Well it’s nice when they actually reply in that situation and of course I would respond politely too.
I agree. I’ve noticed some sits that are in a less than desireable area or in say a flat have no responses when people with mansions will be inundated. I can understand the mentality but for me it would be the pets first, the area is important but whether it’s a one bed flat or 8 bedroom mansion wouldn’t worry me.
Not out of touch at all. Spot on. The sit has to work for you as much as it works for the owners. It’s a transaction that both parties have to be happy with.
Yep, I do something similar, I mark them as “not suitable” lol,
Good question and I’d be interested to hear the answer.
We think apply even if the number if applicants is high, we have been lucky to have been chosen when there were 16+ and was 45. If the HO takes the trouble to read all and you suit what they are looking for, it could work out for you, it has for us. Don’t be put off. Good luck everyone!
It’s always worth applying isn’t it as you have no idea if exactly who the owners are looking for. As for whether they read all the applications …
Yes, that’s our thinking too, it doesn’t take us long to apply so as you say you may be just what they are looking for.
Honestly, our concern is less that an owner leaves a sit up post receiving a certain number of applicants, and more so leaving it up indefinitely or not updating applicants on the status. (We’re big on up front and active communication )
From our point of view, if an owner wants a pool of 10 applicants or 50 applicants, that’s their prerogative. In fact, while a listing might receive a dozen great sitters, it might also be the other way around. We’ve had personal invites to sits that had several sitters apply, but the owner didn’t find a good fit within that pool of applicants.
So long answer, but no we didn’t ask
We liked each other and I was immediately confirmed. 2 days later it was cancelled as Turkey, where they were going (for her partner to have dental treatment) was added to the list for quarantine on return to the UK. She’s a teacher so couldn’t quarantine
Yes I wish more owners would pause their dates while they read some of the first applications. If they don’t find someone ideal (unlikely) then they should write to them and tell them they’re not suitable, take them off the system and continue with their ad. I think perhaps many owners aren’t aware of the ‘pause’.
Oh no, that’s quite unfortunate! Hopefully it will work out at some future time and we wish you the best of luck in finding another sit in the meantime.
Coincidence ! we have had a sit cancel, she was going to Turkey - also for dental work - is Turkey well known for dental treatment ? didnt know that! But then I think the currency exchange is very good at the moment for the pound.
Yes, she couldnt do the quarantine bit either. so a cancel …sob sob!
Wishing you luck for your journey and new Sits.
How interesting! Did they live in Newport by any chance?
In England.
We apply regardless of numbers. We work on the principle if the homeowner likes the sound of you then it won’t matter if you’re the 1st or 41st applicant! We do like to get in first though to apply if we can, somehow it makes us feel like we’ve got more chance but I don’t have any evidence to back that up!
Hi @PetsSit welcome to the Forum it’s great to have you here. There’s already a group of “seasoned” community members … they were our platform testing team and have contributed great content, we hope you enjoy the conversations and making new connections.
Thank you for your contribution so far particularly on the subject of vets, it’s always good to have a professional insiders view.
Have a great Friday!
It’s really very difficult to get in first at the moment, don’t know if you’ve noticed? Only chance is if the house owner’s criteria doesn’t meet everyone else’s needs but does yours. Some people only want flash homes I think, for me it’s if I like the sound of the pets and their routine will fit.
Welcome by the way! You’ll find this forum very useful and interesting x
Welcome @PetsSit. We agree, pretty sure most owners will look at the applicants and choose the most suitable for them rather than the first they receive. Having said that some experienced owners will quickly choose a Sitter from the early applicants, they know we’re all so good
We just applied late for a Sit, the pet Spaniel sounded adorable, we nearly didn’t apply as already there were a lot of applicants, we were totally thrilled when we had a reply to say the owners had chosen us, something must have clicked between us. From the subsequent Video Call with the owners we knew we had been very lucky, such lovely people, can’t wait for the Sit and to meet them all properly. Anyway, my point being, you never know, if a Sit really appeals to you, perhaps the passion comes through in our application letters, always worth a try, you may get chosen, that’s what we’ve found. And it’s great that Sits on the THS site are now increasing daily. We’ll soon be back to our regular house /pet sitting journeys.