Another Cancelled Housesit!

As expected our next sit due to start in under three weeks has just been cancelled. Not really a surprise but the disappointing thing was the owners didn’t bother to contact us, we messaged them to touch base and see how the situation was and they just replied ‘oh yeah, the trips off now’. Very disappointed that we weren’t even thought about. More expensive accommodation required I guess …


So sorry that this happened and you were not notified immediately. Good luck finding accommodations.


@Jon-JWalking so sorry to hear about this cancellation. Membership Services are messaging owners with planned sits to remind them to update and stay in touch with their sitters should arrangements change …


@Jon-JWalking so sorry to hear about your cancellation and how you have been treated. It makes me so angry when people don’t think of others, especially at this difficult time.
Really hope you find somewhere you are able to stay for a while.


Really bad manners
Sorry :disappointed:


You have our empathy. It’s tough enough to have a sit be canceled, let alone the way the news was delivered.

Since unless you find another sit you’ll have to find alternative lodging, have you considered staying with a branded hotel to make the most of the current promotions and reward points? We’ve started to plan out a Hyatt ‘mattress run’, where we’re essentially staying at a lower cost Hyatt ($40-50 a night in Las Vegas, Denver, or Chicago) earning double elite night credits and bonus points during the stay because of current lucrative promotions. By the end of it (9 nights), we’ll have top tier Hyatt Globalist status until 2023 and a nice surplus of reward points for future ‘free’ nights.


So do we. Struggling bigtime to find somewhere to go now.


Sounds like a great plan but we probably have 80 - 90 nights to cover now which would cost a fortune. Bit out of our budget.


Yes, certainly would be costly for the entire period to be at a hotel. It is an opportunity to explore the option for a portion of the time, or consider other unique, out of the box opportunities :slight_smile:

Our fingers are crossed for you that you find an alternative sit! :crossed_fingers:


They should be helping you someway

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Hi !
I am into that too with Marriott Hôtels… Not using it now but usually active .
I love the fact that paying with points gives you the 5th night free. And some of Marriott hotels like the Residence Inns, all have kitchenette and gives you access to a laundry room. Some of them includes breakfast. Residence Inns do anyway.
If you get the Platine status, you have access to breakfast on all Marriott brands plus meals in lounges. But many longes are closed now.
I was able to get the Platine status by staying many nights in South Africa Protea Hôtels. Catégories 1 & 2 , so very affordable but beautiful. Nice way to travel. Picture of a Protea Marriot hotel in Capetown


Hi Brigitte! We also have Platinum with Marriott and very much enjoy the free breakfast and room upgrades! We haven’t had the fortune of staying at any of their South Africa Protea Hotels, but definitely have them on our list! Marriott is also a great brand for Category 1 and 2 properties in Spain.

Since we supplement full time house sitting with travel hacking, we’ve done ‘mattress runs’ with Marriott, Hilton, and soon with Hyatt. As you mentioned, the best deals are on category 1 and 2 hotels, so we keep a map of all the big brand hotels within the 1-3 category hotels to plan out our travel. Happy to share it with you if you’re interested :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear that your sit was cancelled in such a way. I agree it is very ill mannered and inconsiderate of the HO. We are not all like that! I have sitters booked for the end of April and with all the uncertainty surrounding the ever evolving lockdown restrictions I have been in regular contact with my sitters.


We are so sorry to hear about the cancellations @Provence it just demonstrates how the COVID situation still varies, underlining the need for good communication and flexibility. We will get back to a more stable situation soon, the signs are getting stronger in many places, just not everywhere unfortunately.

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If you are a carer for you husband
You should be getting vaccine.
In the UK you need to contact NHS
Not to sure how it works in France.
But its worth asking.

Keep checking Provence.
Let them know your are his carer.
You might not think of yourself carer but you certainly are.

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Finally my turn here in Québec. Appointment for vaccination on April 1st for 65 years +. No April fool please !


Brillant news
My husband and I have both received ours.
We didn’t have any side effects.
Just a sore arm .
Similar to flu jab


Allo @Brigitte! Just curious: Have you been told which vaccine was administered (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson)? Any secondary effect following the shot?


Hello @Angela_L. I am booked for a housesit in Vancouver next Summer. Have already reserved my flight even though Air Canada has not yet reimbursed me for a cancelled flight at the onset of the pandemic. I am wondering if @TrustedHousesitters has contemplated offering a “Plan-B” for housesitters who get a last minute cancellation: i.e., some type of “priority list” system. I know about the “last minute” flag that appears on a homeowner’s post, but there is no such service for house sitters. It would be nice to have a special tag to identify house sitters who are readily available for a specific location due to a last minute cancellation.