My situation is different. I do political work on facebook amongst other places and the issues are conflictive. I myself am calm and historical-anthropological, but many people can react badly, so I keep housesitting separate from that. Like @KC1102 above I choose owners who are more easygoing and reliant on our personal exchanges. (ps I don’t know how to provide the @ of someone I’m referring to.)
I don’t understand the concept of ‘embedding a profile’. I’ve seen an explanation of how to do it, which looked like a faff, but let’s say it isn’t, I don’t know what it’s for. Is this something just for this forum?
I don’t use social media so would be impossible for me. Thankfully not something I have ever been asked. I do have plenty of five star reviews and I belive most are more than happy with that.
ok I added the @ to a name and see it works, thank you.
And I clicked your name. Where does that little description come from that begins Experienced house-sitter’?
What I see on yours doesn’t look like a one-line title - ‘Experienced
house-sitter, with over 40 sits completed in SE Asia and Scotland.’ Or
is it? I have had the same title for many years and won’t change it
but I thought this was something more.
It’s what I’m calling the one-line title, then, in my case shorter than yours. This is what I see in the preview available to me on my dashboard. Not all the other texts we write that are what they see when we apply and they go to our whole profile. Here is a piece of mine, the line there is what is seen on top of my photo, or that’s what I always thought. I am quite confused now.
Thank you - the reason I sent it was to check we are talking about the same thing, not some other little text. This is what forum-users see here, right? not what houseowners see when one has applied to them. gosh. And about those numbers of reviews, I’ve done more sits than 42 but encountered intransigence from owners that ‘don’t believe’ in reviews haha as well as repeat-sits earlier on when they didn’t register on the site.
May I ask a follow up question? What is it you are looking for on social media that you won’t find on the TrustedHousesitters site (identity check, detailed pet sitting profile/resume, reviews) and through interviews/conversations?
I have mixed feelings about the idea and want to sit with it for awhile. On the one hand, I wouldn’t mind TH hosts seeing my Facebook/Twitter/Meetup/Next Door and other social media info. You will see cats, animal rescue, books, history, travel pics and strong progressive political opinions. What exactly would you be looking for? If this “research” is reciprocal and I saw things I didn’t care for about the host, I suppose I could back out of the conversation too. But really, it seems intrusive and unecessary given all the info we do have about each other.
I see a lot of sitters responding but not many HOs. I’m a HO and I like many of you would never ask a sitter to friend me not because I myself have anything to hide but because there is a great deal of things about my children etc. my FB account is private and unless I became friends with a sitter which I am very open to I wouldn’t ask doe them to add me as a friend. It’s just not necessary to obtain a feel for someone imo.
I would share my IG account because it is public but I would tell them my FB account is private and only for close friends and family. That being said, AFTER a house sit, I have added HOs and other people I’ve met while housesitting, because we’ve become friends.
I dont have a FB account, amazingly & at this point I don’t feel a need to.
I have literally just got an Instagram account purely for scenery pics, nothing personal.
I’d have no problem with anyone looking at this, especially as I have so few followers, lol .
I know social media’s popular & completley get people using it but if it was necessary for the sit we wouldn’t be the right choice for you.
Totally agree mslaura