Car Insurance for sitters for 2 months

Hi, I am based in Ireland and, as well as shorter trips we generally go away for 7-8 weeks once a year. Because we live very rurally a car is essential for sitters and, unless they are based in Ireland they are unlikely to have their own with them. Our current insurers will only insure a temporary driver for up to 30 days which is not long enough. I’m just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem and whether they have been able to resolve it?

Have you considered getting a new insurer or different (maybe additional) policy? You might also ask how long a gap your insurer might require if you were to re-insure the same sitter. Like if they’d be fine with a week’s gap, maybe that might work?

Why don’t you try posting your sit without offering use of a car, you might get someone from Ireland, or someone who doesn’t mind hiring a car.

If you haven’t already posted your ad then try, and see if you get anyone from Ireland. A lot of our sits take place within a 2hr drive of our home in the England, so I’m sure there’ll be plenty of sitters in Ireland that want to stay closer to home too, or visit family near where you are located and need a place to stay. Not everyone on here is looking to fly half way around the world to pet sit.

Also, just a thought, but instead of the getting 30days insurance, or 7-8 weeks of insurance, maybe it wouldn’t be much difference price wise to add the sitter to your annual insurance and just remove them down the line. In the past I’ve added a family member at a different address for around £15 extra for the whole year. I have no idea whether or not you can do that when they are pet sitting at your home, but it’s just a thought.

You could do the following, but it’s a far stretch!! If it’s a couple sitting for you, and if both persons drive, then you could ask that only 1 person drive the first 4 weeks, and register them. And then for the next 4 weeks, only the other person drives and register them.

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I live in Ireland and I’ve done lots of sits here with my car. :red_car:
Some were accessible without a car but a good number of them were not.

We’re in a semi rural location (a bus a couple of times a day but to a stupid place) and actually state sitters will need a car. Our next booked sitters will have a rental car.

Hadn’t thought of that but I plan to talk to insurance company about possible workarounds and that will be worth raising with them. Thanks!

I guess I just assumed that it would be too expensive for someone to hire a car for that length of time. We have been lucky with people from Ireland in the past for shorter stays but never with this long one.

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Now, thats an idea! Might try that one! Thanks!

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I have just posted an ad for a shorter stay - 2 weeks, and noone who has applied has a car. This isn’t such a problem as I can add people for 2 weeks without issue. I think when you add someone to your insurance they have to be resident in Ireland. Thanks for your response, all food fror thought.

Car Insurance is a minefield especially in different Countries. Changing Insurance companies so you can let a sitter use your Car while you are away, sounds like a bit of a pain tbh. Sitters could potentially get temporary Insurance on your Car, what I do know is in England there are insurers who will do temporary insurance even daily insurance, it’s a bit pricy however would still be cheaper than a hire car.
You could advertise without use of Car however Car needed, tbh when we do plan on touring around Ireland we are driving from England, there’s possibly many sitters who want to take their own Car.
Wishing you all the best and happy travels.

My first 2 UK sits the HO was able to add me to their insurance but the sits were 3 weeks and 1 week. Post covid and my being 70 years old UK folks haven’t been able to add me to their insurance. But they have shared the cost of my rental car with me. Maybe you could offer that option?