Cat who won't use litter box

I have three cats–two “normal” and the other who will not use her litter box. We have three boxes in the home (one per cat), but she continues to poop in locations outside the box (normally in the same room where one of the boxes is located). She’s a rescue cat so also very skittish, difficult to pick her up except at certain times. We’ve tried using different litters, tried putting the boxes in different places, taken her to the vet (who didn’t have any specific recommendations). Does anyone here have any good suggestion? Thank you.

It’s trial and error. You mention ‘rooms’, but have you tried placing them inside dark spaces? For example placing the litter box inside the cupboard under the stairs with a cat flat in the main door so they can enter.

Also, you mention ‘boxes’, but have you tried trays, or things with covers, without covers etc. Also, if you don’t live in a flat, what about trying to train her to poop outside instead, and if you do live in a flat… then it could be that she used to poop naturally outdoors.

Or maybe she just doesn’t like the feeling on her paws of using the litter boxes. So maybe pop some newspaper or something down as a designated space (and so you don’t stand in it :joy:).


I’ve always seen recommendations for one litter box more than the number of cats. That’s what we’ve always done. At one point we even had 6 litter boxes for 3 cats but we had a very big house. :slightly_smiling_face: Try using a different type of litter in one of the boxes, for example scented or not scented. Sometimes when a cat pees outside the litter box it can be a medical problem.

PDSA has excellent advice How to litter train your cat - PDSA. As @Snow.White has said it’s really trial and error, and positive reinforcement/rewarding good behaviour. Stress can also be a factor, so maybe think of working on that too (again PDSA has great advice). Good luck. It can take some time but so rewarding.


HappyDeb, thanks for this response! Putting the box in a dark place is something we haven’t tried and I think this is a great idea. Putting newspapers down may also work, but she doesn’t always use the same place, so that may be a challenge. Outside won’t work as she’s an indoors-only girl. I appreciate all your suggestions!

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We have tried putting extra litter boxes but that hasn’t worked either. And we’ve tried different types of litter, she doesn’t seem to like any of them! She’s 100% healthy according to the vet so that isn’t an issue. Anyway thanks for your response, we’ll keep trying!

Hi @Snow.White
Having looked after 10’s of cats and helped at a shelter not using a litter box for a healthy cat is usually one of a few things - the cat doesn’t like the way the litter feels on their paws (I see you’ve tried different litter), the litter box is dirty, the cat feels venerable using the litter box in it’s current position, the cat is stressed and finally it’s marking its territory due to rivalry with other cats.

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In addition to the other suggestions, is it possible that the cat is older and can’t get into or out of the litter box easily? maybe try a low-sided box

Are you using covered litter trays or open? One with a door flap? Lots of cats like privacy. Is she pooping in specific places?

If this is anxiety-related, I’d build her confidence, by restricting her to one quiet room with a covered litter tray in it. Don’t put her food and water near the tray. Do put her favourite bed and toys in the room and spend time with her so she feels safe and secure. She may not like sharing her toilet area with the other cats. Maybe don’t rush to clean the litter tray immediately she uses it (so she associates the smells with her toilet area) but dont let it get dirty either.

Once you’ve siccessfully established good toilet habits, you can graduslly re-introduce her to your kitty household. In my experience, this shouldn’t take more than a few days.


We’ve had many many cats and have had ones with similar issues. The rule I’ve heard is have 1 more litterbox than number of cats, in your case 4 and I would buy different styles of boxes, putting them in the spots that the cat tends to do her business in. I’d try to make one of them a rather large box and a couple with lids.

If she’s skittish the enclosed boxes may give her comfort when doing her business. Also I’d consider talking to your vet about a product called Calming Care by Purina. It’s over the counter product at the pet store (rather expensive). A year ago our vet recommended it, we give it to our cat every other day. It’s a single strain probiotic, one that has been proven to help with bowel issues. I was skeptical; however, it did appear to calm him down and poop regularly.

Also, the vet gave me a prescription for gabapentin to use periodically. I give it once a week and when we have thunderstorms. Gabapentin has multiple uses but one use to to calm your pet. I give a 25 mg dosage for my 17 lb cat.

Good luck, I feel your pain!

Peg, I truly appreciate your suggestions. We have only three litter boxes so I guess I’ll try getting a fourth one (and it will be a covered one, maybe that will work)! And Calming Care sounds like a good idea too. I’ll keep trying, thanks again!

Thanks so much, I appreciate your suggestions! I’m most definitely going to try using the covered litter box!

I also recommend Cat Attract litter, if you can get it where you live.

I’m curious to hear how it’s going, did any of the suggestions resolve the problem? We have the same problem with one of our 3 cats, and have literally tried everything!! At one stage we had 8 litter boxes of various types with different kind of sand spread out throughout the house. She pees in the box, so it can’t be an aversion to the box itself.
It started when she was around 5 months, and has been going on for a year. It’s driving my husband insane, and I’ve started to have enough as well. It’s unpleasant to find poop on the floor on a daily basis, even though it’s next to the box.
She’s the cutest cat in the world. Indoor cat in a big house with lots of cat trees etc

@Ruby86 We sit for a cat who did the same . Problem was solved when the owner put two litter boxes out in the same room- it worked - she pees in one and poops in the other !

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I have tried that, but in a multiple cat household there will always be another cat using the litter box, no matter how many I put out (as stated, I’ve tried having as many as 8 boxes for 3 cats)