Christmas sits - how to make it special for sitters

We did a sit during Thanksgiving in the US last year, and during Christmas in Australia. For the Thanksgiving sit, the homeowners left us a very nice bottle of red wine and a goodie bag with some delicious crackers and cookies. For the Christmas sit, the homeowners did not leave us anything, but they did have a small decorated tree which was nice.

We never expect anything, but always appreciate when homeowners leave a little something. We’re easy to please - no dietary restrictions and we do enjoy wine, but I realize others may feel differently. The most thoughtful homeowners asked us prior to our sits what they could get for us. I didn’t feel comfortable asking for much, but one homeowner did a little bit of shopping for us and left fresh berries and milk at our request, plus filet mignon and wine as a surprise for us. Another homeowner made us a home-cooked dinner and left us two very nice bottles of wine, plus told us we could consume any of their food we wanted (which we replaced).