
Do any one look up the dates of their sit dates for airline ticket prices 1st. I looked one up and the flight was just over 1,000 . And if im going to pay that much i feel it should be a place i want to go and for at least 2weeks or more.
What are your suggestions on this
Thank you guys for your help. Im new here.

We decide where we want to visit first then look for appropriate sits then book travel when the sits are confirmed. If it’s somewhere we want to go on specific dates the travel is booked way in advance and if there is matching sits well and good. But if not there’s always holiday accommodation available to book at a price.

Welcome @Jackievw!

You can certainly choose a sit using any criteria you want: destination, the type of pets and how much responsibility they’ll be, amenities of the house, duration, how much it costs and how easy (or difficult) it is to get there by transit or with a rented car.
The sky is the limit.

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Thank you for your help.

It would be a good idea to at least have a quick look. If you are going to apply you should be reasonably sure you can get there.
I would look for a sit first, and I WOULD have said, have a quick look at flights and then apply, but apparently people are barely having time to write an application with this stupid 5-application limit for some destinations. So you could apply and say your acceptance would be “pending travel confirmations” or something like that. Get your application in and then have a look at flights in case you get picked, so you know whether you can accept.

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With the five app rule if it is a popular place that I think I would like to go I send in my application. You only have a 25% chance of getting accepted if the homeowner shows interest and I look into detailed travel cost

Welcome @Jackievw
When you apply for a sit you are not committed to anything at that stage . You usually have a discussion with the hosts and then if they think you are a good match for what they are looking for in a sitter they will invite you and then you accept .

A that stage it is a confirmed sit which can’t be cancelled ( unless there are extraordinary circumstances).

If you see a sit in an area that you like and you are free for those dates you can apply and then promptly research the cost of the flights If you realise it’s too expensive you can withdraw your application before the sit is confirmed.

Depending on the destination it may be necessary to build in a buffer of a day or two either side of the sit to ensure that you arrive in time .This would be at your own expense but could also mean that you find a cheaper flight available arriving a day or two before the sit starts.

That really sounds great. I will do that .thank you. Big help.

I tend to look at flights for pet sits Im interested in to get an idea what I’d be looking at for flight costs. Also, traveling over the holidays, the cost goes up as well. Then when I do actually apply, I have an idea of what that cost may be. I too prefer a longer sit if I’m going to be paying more for flights.

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Yes i have been reading some very good answers. Thank you very much.

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