Dog hammock for your car

Not sure how many people use or are aware of the dog ‘hammock’ for your back seat.
Previously having had two Beagles who cast hair at an alarming rate, the hammock stops a lot of hair and dirt going on the carpet, keeping the car a lot cleaner.
If you Google ‘car hammock dog’ or similar, you’ll see a lot of options.


I appreciated an owner specifically buying a dog hammock so I could take her cocker spaniel to the beach in my rental car. I wish other owners would do the same!


We use a protective seat cover and a collapsible kennel on the back seat to transport our dog. Really keeps the hair contained and nose prints off the back windows. I always offer it to our sitters if they want to take her somewhere with them, but I never require them to put her in their car, if they don’t wish to do so.