Feedback on new ‘5 applications and freeze’ system?

There have also been HOs who complained about the short “Hi”-placeholders, on this forum and in other places.

And I assume that THS has their internal statistics, on how fast listings get applications. And I guess that they are more worried about the listings with the low-application label, because it is the HOs that do not get applications that are unlikely to renew.

@pietkuip & @Colin & every other serious sitter/host - it looks like the new ‘way around’ the 5 app rule is to have a longer ‘cut & paste to save the space’ message already prepared to send ahead of the real application! Its getting ridiculous!
F F S why can’t the powers that be see that their silly rules will always be circumvented so- THS- why not just listen to what your members really want and get rid of the restrictions??!!


It is not a democracy. We are customers, and a few weeks ago we were sold for about about 500 GBP a piece to that investor company, it is amazing.

Of course this measure of increasing the minimum length of the message from one character to a minimum of 50 characters is not going to help anything. It is just that the HOs will receive more spelling errors and nonsens text. I wonder how they landed on 50? A real application would be at least ten times as long I think.

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@Colin - to me it used to feel like a community but now it just feels like it is every man/woman for themselves. Such a shame.


Hello everyone!

After receiving some Forum member feedback about how difficult it was to follow the discussion due to the length of the thread, we felt it would be a good idea to start another discussion post, as this would also allow us to share previous updates from the team and also set everyone’s expectations about the purpose of the discussion post.

Here’s a summary of the main points:

  • The Product team have confirmed that there won’t be any further changes made to the feature.

  • As the feature has now been in place for nearly two years, the Forum team are no longer actively passing feedback to the Product team about this feature.

  • The Forum team understand that many of you are concerned about the update and wants to give you a place to discuss it with other members.

  • The Forum team is happy to provide you with a new discussion post but won’t be able to answer any further questions or pass on any further feedback.

  • The Forum is a place for members to connect and chat about everything to do with Trusted Housesitters rather than a place to submit requests for changes to existing features.

  • While the Forum can pass on feedback for a limited time when a product update is announced, we can’t ever promise that changes will be made as a result of any feedback we share, though we will always advocate for our members to the best of our ability.

  • The best way to have a voice is to sign up for future beta testing opportunities (we’ll advertise them on the Forum) so that you can help the Product team with feedback and suggestions on future features.

You’re welcome to continue to discuss the five pausing feature in this discussion post , with the understanding that the Forum team will not be collecting feedback or answering any further questions, we will only moderate the thread in line with our Community Guidelines.

Thank you for taking the time to read this final update from the team!
