Hey @Angela_L and @carolfree I have secured a sitter. Very very pleased with everything so far and once again this wonderful community as well. Thank you for all your support throughout this process. We have a combined membership so hoping we can have a getaway in the winter to a sit.
So glad you found a sitter! I was going to also say that in my recent observation/experience, people are arranging things much more last minute these days due to still shifting restrictions, travel plans changing, etc. I have actually alerts on for PA specifically because I’d love to revisit Philly, but I don’t remember your listing so it must’ve been for dates I was unavailable for. Anyway! Long story short, if you’re looking for a sitter again in the future, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m close by in Buffalo and love watching lil chihuahuas. Congrats on your wedding btw =)
@alternativetravelers thank you for this! We will definitely keep you in mind when we post again, we are going away in September so we will def need someone to take care of our little Lady. Not sure how to search or connect on the THS website but will reach out once we post again for our dates. Thank you!
HI again
I am going to update my listing today. I have been back and forth between CA and PA, but will be living inPA now, but hope to continue returning to CA for housesits, and also going anywhere else ! But now that I am back in EAston, PA, I Am available fo local housesits - PA, NJ, NY.
Hi Angela
I’ve been a member for about 4 years, but havent been active lately. I’ve been living in both CA and PA the past 2 years, but finally sold my house in CA and now I need to update my profile. I just retired so I am looking forward to both traveling and housesitting for others!
I too have difficulty getting sitters when I apply as I have a large garden & berries to pick plus my pets & I live in a trailer so it takes awhile before I can get anyone with few applicates as there are so many other sits with beautiful homes but I just post months in advance always hoping & getting a sit
Me, me me. I would spend everyday picking berries then making jams, preserves and maybe even flavoured gin. I love these types of sits. Of course a luxurious stately house is good for a change…
No, me, me ME! I’ve just this minute messaged my Florida sit / HO to tell her the news that countries were actually taken OFF our green list last week. When will we be able to travel across the pond? This is killing me !
Hi again Carol that’s great news, happy retirement you have picked a great time to re-start your pet and housesitting adventures, there are so many wonderful opportunities coming to the site once again, now that owners are regaining the confidence to plan their travels safely.
Our profiles are always a work in progress and this is the perfect time to give them a “spring clean” and refresh, simply adding new photos and little snippets of personal updates makes such a difference. If you need any help Membership Services are always available, also there are great resources on the website blog and of course our wonderful members are always willing to help one another.
Happy pet sitting travels and lovely to know you are “Back In The Saddle”
I wish there was a virtual hug button. I feel your pain. We are desperate to get some International sits again. Booked for France for six weeks I; the Autumn and hoping by then we can go transatlantic. Never give up hope.
I only have 5 bushes plus raspberries rhubarb & strawberries. I would love you to come but Canada isn’t allowing outside travelers or even provincial travel. we have to stick to our areas
What a lovely thought Elsie, installing a virtual hug button there are many in need right now!
We had some people contact us directly in the past, asking us to sit where we were not looking, and it did influence our choices, with no regrets at all, so maybe reach out and send some invitations to people you feel could -fit- your needs?
Great advice @Lyne-Minuit raising opportunities for sitters that they might never have thought of can benefit everyone. There is much more to a sit than location, having a personal invitation is always appreciated, even if we are unavailable … next time it could just be the right connection!