Filthy house and unreasonable expectations

Ive just informed MS that, as we’ve now cleaned and can’t be doing with the stress of trying to exit (and can’t apply for other sits), we’ll see this sit out. There’s their reply:

Edited to remove messages as per the posting terms

It sounds like your terrible host is the type to avoid. Most hosts aren’t like that. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many folks who’ve been sitting via THS for years and continue to.

Best to look for warning signals and take heed, so you have better sits in the future, if you want to continue sitting.

In this case, it sounds like there were warning signals and you took the sit anyway, out of need for temporary housing. Unfortunately, taking the risk of such a host can bite.

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Sadly, this is also my experience. Run-down places (not visible in pictures) that feel more like unattended third-hand sublets than homes. Staying in other people’s homes feels still very new to me, but the more pet-sitting I do, the more shocked I am at the way some people live in (supposedly) first-world countries.


It would be better for them to have not sent such messaging, because it doesn’t seem like you got any support.


@Happypets if you want THS to take any more action such as removing the homeowner from the platform you have to raise a dispute - Write a factual complaint and include all the photos of the state of the home on arrival ( compared to the listing photos )
Without this THS won’t take any further action . It’s up to you if you want to do this and when . A dispute can be raised now or up to 30 days after the sit ends .

You may want to read a thread where @ADF had a bad sit , was initially told by member services that there was nothing they could do . However when they followed the procedure for raising a dispute . THS followed up on the complaint, investigated and did take action against the homeowner ( including removing the unfair negative review that they had left the sitter )


I’m really quite shocked to read all these stories. In five years of full-time sitting, both international and within Australia, I have only ever had ONE sit where I experienced a disgusting home. Then the cleaner came in second day and cleaned everything so it turned out ok.

I obviously have been very lucky - or very choosy. :wink:

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Sounds horrendous! I wonder if our current hosts expect that. They’ll be sadly disappointed. It is cleaner than when we arrived but only the areas we need. Definitely committing to being more choosy in the future

Maybe next time you encounter a dirty home you could ask them to clean up a bit before you feel its a healthy environment. Or get a hotel and search for other sits in that state or area.

At least with the new owner categories to be star rated just going live, you’ll be able to give these owners a very honest star rating for Cleanliness @HappyDeb. Sorry you have had such an unpleasant sit (pets excluded) with new owners who laughed at receiving the THS preparation checklist and left their home in a disgraceful state.

Hello @Maggie8K Thank you for the tag, I am always happy to help where I can :slight_smile:

Wow, I’m sorry that a few of you have had these experiences, but it is great that you have come here to share and support each other!

@Pen I’m sorry to hear this happened, it sounds not very enjoyable at all! I am glad that you have received lots of helpful feedback and support, including making sure that the sit is via THS next time so you have the support of Membership Services and can leave a review. I hope everything goes better for you next sit!

@HappyDeb I’m sorry to hear about your situation as well, It’s never nice to turn up to a sit that isn’t how it should be cleanliness-wise. I know it can be hard to raise the issue directly with the owners, but if you feel uncomfortable it is always best to let the owners know so they can help rectify the situation (maybe they can send a cleaner?) or as Membership Services mentioned so they can find alternative cover and you can leave.

Just a note to say that I had to remove the direct message from Membership Services due to the posting terms, but please feel free to summarise what is happening in your future posts.

As you have decided to stay I hope that the remainder of your sit goes well and you leave a review as others have mentioned. We have passed your details to the Membership Services team and if you need more help please reach back out to them.

@systaran That sounds like a really unsettling situation for you to find yourself in, I’m sorry that happened.

I am also concerned about the response you mentioned from Membership Services, so I shared your feedback and asked them to have a look at the correspondence during that case. We would like to reassure you and the forum that a member would not be suspended for leaving due to a third party or safety issues caused by a third party. It doesn’t look like a complaint was filed at the time, but Membership Services is happy to discuss this again with you if you have any more questions or concerns.

This has been such an insightful and supportive thread for everyone. I have shared the thread and feedback with Membership Services, they are always happy to help with individual cases or answer any general questions you might have.

I didn’t mean to stop the discussion and support, I just wanted to let you know it has all been noted and passed on! :smiling_face:


Dear sitters,
Absolutely we should leave a honest review so that others sitters won’t be faced with the same issues. We are all in this together and need to set a higher standard.
I am perhaps guilty of not being honest about the condition of a home. It’s so difficult especially if the HO is pleasant and treats you extremely well. The HO left her car for me and prepared a lovely meal however the room and bed was tiny as well as shower!!
It’s so sad that the HO simple has low standards.
I still feel awful for not being completely honest in my review…

:clap:t2: BRAVO Let’s make this a great experience for Sitters!

Here’s a suggestion when faced with a very dirty home:
Explain to the HO that the level of filth is totally unacceptable and you are unable/ unwilling to live in such conditions. Give them 24 hours to remedy the situation by organising a company to deep clean the home. No clean home= no pet care!

Nice people don’t treat guests like that. I am not naturally a neat freak or very houseproud and I wouldn’t swear in a court of law that if you opened my fridge right now, you wouldn’t find a sticky jar or two, but when sitters or other guests are coming I clean like a demon, not out of a need to impress but because it would horrify me that a guest in my house might feel uncomfortable or unappreciated in any way. A nice environment is basic hospitality.


We’re currently on a (non-THS) sit. Lovely pet, very comfy, clean house. But oh dear, there are dozens and dozens and dozens of condiment bottles in the fridge and in cupboards. I lifted at least 4 bottles and the expiry was 2019/2020 - so now I don’t trust anything in the kitchen. That’s just too many bottles, too many years past their use-by date. Clearly they have issues with throwing out old condiments. But yikes.


Some people just don’t believe in expiry dates and/or have an aversion to waste, and throwing not-quite-empty things out feels more like waste to them than keeping things they won’t/ shouldn’t use. My mum was like this, her fridge was definitely a “yikes” situation!
Now it is having a new life as a completely clean and empty fridge for our sitters’ use! I hope at least they’ve left you some clear space for your own stuff.

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They didn’t! Not in the kitchen. When I asked if they left us some clear space in the freezer and fridge, the lady froze and said: “I thought you’re going to use the stuff in there?” Haha, I just moved everything to 3 (yes 3) shelves and squeezed our things into 2 small shelves. No freezer space, but the dog food comes out and frees up space for us! You should see their collection of oils, vinegars, soy and other sauces… I counted at least 8 bottles of mustard.

In the bedrooms, however, they have cleared a lot of space. So as I say: very clean and tidy, except for the fridge.


I guess the fridge is a blind spot! Glad you have found a workaround but that’s annoying.

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I totally agree with you, @ElEd .

Weve just left a review for a pet parent and see there are now categories - hooray! This is a huge improvement and will allow for sitters to better pinpoint areas for concern, as well as what went well.