First sit booked

I have just been selected for my first sit. It was the first one I applied to. I feel excited and nervous. I am sure I will take good care of their pups.


Yes you will!
Enjoy, be you, ask when you need to.
Big deep breath…
Here’s to the first of many.


Congrats @RachelTG. First sit is always a little nerve racking but just be you. I find the more open and honest you are with HO’s the better your sit will be as everyone will know what’s expected. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Onwards and upwards.


Congratulations! You’ll do great. It’s all about communication.




@RachelTG Congratulations on your first sit! :clap:t2::blush:

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Congrats @RachelTG what a great feeling it is securing your very first sit. Where are you headed?

Also here is an article with some helpful tips for your first sit!

Enjoy every minute of it!

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Congratulations @RachelTG on securing your first sit! May there be many more!


Well done @RachelTG you’ll be great because you care


A huge congratulations @RachelTG
You are now at the beginning of such a wonderful journey!
Wish you well.


Welcome the “family” … such good times ahead for you!

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I have just been selected for my first sit. It was the first one I applied to. I feel excited and nervous. I am sure I will take good care of their pups.

Congratulations! @RachelTG


Hi @RachelTG congratulations on your first sit! As newbies ourselves, can we ask how long it took you to get hooked up with a HO and if you can tell us any experiences you had between registering and this first sit?

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Hi @Worldwideweb , welcome to Trusted House Sitters :grinning:

Getting your first sit is always the tricky one and how long it takes depends on quite a few factors.

How many applications are you sending out and how flexible is your destination choice will both make a difference

When we started it took us a couple of weeks to get our first sit - however, we were applying to many sits and received over 20 rejections before getting accepted.

Getting your first sit has been discussed many times on the forum, have a look at this thread for some great advice from experienced sitters

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I get that feeling every time we are selected for a sit. Believe me, it never goes away and that’s been about 5 years now. Congratulations, first of many.


Wonderful and congratulations. I havent done any sits yet as not ready but have pets stay here at home as favours for friends. Hopefully next year i can go off and do sits. You will be fabulous and i look forward to eeading all about it.

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Many thanks for the feedback and advice @Colin

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Maybe I was lucky but I got my first sit locally within a week and another right after. I drove to Denver and met both home owners the same day. I paused for a few weeks then applied for a two week sit in Taos ,NM. Each one was very easy and the ho were great. I have another two week sit in May in Puerto Rico.

I believe my profile helped me to get the first look and phone/zoom calls ensured I got the sit.

I was very nervous that I wouldn’t be accepted as a 70 year old trans woman but, nobody cared. I don’t advertise it but don’t hide it.

Let me know if you have more questions.


Thank you for your reply @RachelTG. Seeing your experience of your first and subsequent sits is very helpful to us as we prepare to advertise on THG as sitters. Best wishes from Andrew & Carole in England.