Well done @WendyNL 2 sits confirmed within 10 days of joining. I feel excited for you.
Have you gone into your THS Inbox and in the message thread clicked ‘agree to sit’?
You didn’t ask for any advice and have already completed sits outside of THS so forgive me for being presumptuous and offering some more advice - it might help others .
Next steps after confirming a sit on THS - you need to
•Exchange phone numbers straight away ( probably you have already done that in order to do video chats )
•Request the address from the host ( you don’t get this from THS )
• Request a Welcome Guide - so you can check the responsibilities at the earliest opportunity
•Keep in regular contact with the hosts between now and the start of the sit.
•Agree with the hosts the time of day that you will be expected to arrive and depart the sit .
Please keep the forum updated on your THS journey. We love to hear how other members are getting on .
In the meantime, here is a thread that you might like to read :