Fix my listing - no applications!

As the dates don’t go weekend to weekend, I’ve also added this note in the text:
“NOTE: we’d prefer a sitter for the whole time we’re away, but if the exact dates don’t suit you, let us know. Willow could do a few days in kennels if needed.”
Any comments on this - let me know! Of course the sitter would then have to pick her up from kennels (or drop her off to them) as needed, but it might give some flexibility.

On the car - it will very much depend on the sitter, and what our insurance will allow, but I’ve ticked ‘yes’ on that and then said in the text that we are open to discussing it.

I’m really impressed with how you’ve used the great advice given, no defensiveness at all just good natured questions and considered changes. Your advert is hugely improved… if I wasn’t already on a confirmed sit I’d certainly be looking at yours very seriously. Best wishes.


Thank you @BonnyinBrighton, that’s so lovely and encouraging! (And if you ever fancy a holiday in the Peak District, keep your eye on our profile for future listings!)


Thanks @Junipers - that’s fair enough. She doesn’t need to be in with the sitter - hallway is fine - but you could probably still hear her pawing a bit at the start of the night. She then settles fine usually. To be honest I’m hoping we will have trained her to sleep in the kitchen by July (she used to) but I don’t want to promise that as older dogs will do training at their own pace!

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Yes, much clearer now. Good luck!

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Thank you! It seems to have worked, as one application has come in already! It is someone who has a poor review (left the cat and house unattended due a medical emergency with a family member but - according to the owners - without communicating to them first). The prospective sitter has however acknowledged this up front - we will have a video call and see how we get on. Thanks again for your help!


I am pleased you are feeling more positive but I just would like to add that you shouldn’t feel under any pressure to accept a sitter if you don’t feel totally comfortable about their motive, commitment or capabilities.

Your listing is great and I am sure you will receive further offers.
Willow sounds adorable and what a fabulous first photo.
Long sit in a comfortable home in the heart of the beautiful Peak District.
I can vouch for the area, great walking, views, country pubs, picturesque and historical villages - the list goes on.
It would certainly be of interest to us if we were in a position to apply.

As many on here say - go with your gut and it does get a little easier with experience.

Good Luck


Oh if only I weren’t on another sit! Your listing is so attractive and I love the area, having spent a lot of time in nearby Castleton (“live in Hope…”). Another time…

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Awww - well hopefully another time! Yes - Castleton is within easy walking distance! (And obviously I am biased but the area really is incredible - and Willow is the best!!)

Thank you @Twitcher that’s really kind, and wise too.

Hi everyone, I just came back to say thank you. Your advice really seemed to pay off as we had three applicants within a week of me making the updates you suggested. We did video calls with two of these, and have selected one who has accepted our confirmation request. She has great reviews and seemed totally chilled about Willow’s little quirks. I hope she will really enjoy the area too - so a win-win, hopefully! Thanks for your help, I’ll get to listing my future holiday dates now!


I’d like to apply right now if you will be needing a sitter this fall 2024, especially if it’s 4 days or longer. I like the careful description of Willow’s needs, and your kind thoughtfulness shows through in the rest of the listing. No notes! Best wishes and I’m making your listing a favorite.


Aw what a lovely message! Well I’ve listed a weeks’ holiday in October, so do check it out if that suits your dates!

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