I have been very lucky finding longer sits, 4 mths, 10 mths, and in 2024 may be on a two-year sit.
I have a Dodge Caravan (not an RV) to haul my stuff, with a mattress to sleep on in between sits. Here in Canada, I always have long 4 mth sits in the winter. As backup, will stay with family when its too cold to sleep outside.
My own home is fully rented out. I downsized 35 years of collected stuff during my transition to house sitting travel. All my “good” furniture has been replaced so I don’t feel any emotional attachment if tenants have accidents. My family photos and some collectable mementos are still stored safely there. I can return to retrieve things if needed.
The long term sits and keeping my home, with a van for in between gaps, works fine at the moment. Travelling internationally is the next step on my plan. After four years of trial and error, I have fully adjusted to this “Retirement” lifestyle. Good luck!