@Donnette I agree with @Vanessa_A 's comments. Reading your listing, I wonder if I have any farm obligations, and if so, how much skill or time would it involve. I am puzzled by your inclusion of ‘farm animal’ for pets. Are there more than dogs to be cared for and enjoyed?
I strongly agree with the need to rearrange your photos. I look for a balance between interior, exterior, and pets (not in that order particularly). I think the first photo has to draw someone in, and the trio of dogs would be my choice, if all three would be on the sit.
Finally, I’d change out your headline. The first 3 or 4 words are what will display, depending on whether the search is done on the website or app. I’d suggest, Rural family life - car included
Here are the instructions for how to edit the headline of your owner listing
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