Having trouble getting applications

Hi all!

We are new to THS, we had one successful sit over Thanksgiving and we’re thrilled to find a happy medium for our dogs and us when we leave town. I have had our Christmas dates posted for a few weeks and not received any applications. I’m wondering if it’s because our date (like someone else that posted) starts the day after Christmas.

Can you give feedback on our listing? Anything I might need to change? Or a way to push it out to local sitters to see if we have better luck for someone that might not have to travel?

Thanks so much!

Hi @LauraBBrady we are going to move your post to a conversation about this subject, there is some good feedback to consider https://forum.trustedhousesitters.com/t/no-applicants-day-after-christmas-through-new-year

A post was merged into an existing topic: No applicants day after Christmas through New Year

I am also struggling to get suitable housesitters for a two week sit for January in Spain. I have had a few apply but not suitable for various reasons, travelling with a cat, a dog and children being some. I have used the boost facility so how do I attract new applicants ?

If you add your listing link into your profile on here then people can offer some more advice and hopefully help you attract some more sitters. HNY :raised_hands:

@Rod I’ve added your listing link to your profile …

Thank you, fingers crossed

Looks like you have 2 applicants now @Rod so hopefully one of them will be suitable. If they’re your previous applicants, then make sure you decline them with a note so new sitters can see it is still available.

We have had a few more applications but only one is vaguely suitable. Lots of single young people which is unsuitable for our location and the dogs. Maybe because it’s January :woman_shrugging:

I see it’s up to 3 applicants now @Rod so if any of those are unsuitable, do decline them. You may be able to have your listing boosted by THS or you can give @Angela_L permission to advertise it on social media.

Just an idea, maybe the listing can be made more attractive by including a car? When we do countryside sits, we only consider those with car included. Good luck to you.


Hi @Rod
I’ve just looked at your listing and it all looks lovely. But sitters would certainly need a car- it looks rather remote.
I can see you are ‘reviewing applicants’ now which is a good sign- hopefully the right sitter is among that batch of 5!
But if not…a suggestion…I notice at the very end of your listing you recomend hiring a car. If you are not able to offer use of a car, and since car hire is more expensive right now, you could consider offering to share the cost with a sitter who has no car, or who might fly in. Anyone flying in would need to be picked up by you anyway if not hiring a car at the airport.
We were once invited for a 3 week sit down in the south of France- a gorgeous place in a rather rural village. The deal breaker was the offer of a car. The HO picked us up at the airport and the next morning we dropped them at the airport- had use of the car the whole time & did the same pick up/drop off at the end. It was the perfect solution for us all.
We would only consider your sit if offered a car or if already in the country with our own car.

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Thank you for your suggestion. I have now found a suitable sitter with their own car just waiting for them to confirm.

Yay! Thanks for letting us know @Rod.