HO Cancelled sits

Thank you for your help but it is very hard to find an other sit in 2 days. Above all I would have had to change the dates of my Eurostar trip and that would have cost me a fortune. Currently it costs around 300 euros one way in standard class.

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We know how you feel @Solela ! Just had the same happen to us 3 days before a sit started and had to find a hotel for 6 nights during Bayram holidays :flushed::flushed: #ouchy :raised_hands:t3:


In addition to the financial aspect, it is the human aspect that hurts me knowing that I had developed a bond of mutual trust with the PO but I realize that it was out of pure interest.


The PO already said to me that they would be happy to welcome me if they get an other cat !
Becoming and staying a regular catsitter for a long time is not that common I think.