I don’t ask anyone to do a deep professional clean of the house before I get there. If they choose to do that and expect me to do the same before I leave, we’re simply not on the same page.
This is one of the biggest flaws of the site, These homeowners are saving so much money. Yet we are expected to treat there home as if it’s a drill in the army. Site definitely is skewed to HO favor. Fortunately, most are thankful, gracious and not ridicules with their needs. But some people can never be pleased. They should just be thankful their pet has been well cared for…for free! I had a dog for 15 years. If someone watched her free I would not have nit picking how the house was left. Did she rate you low?
I had this recently as well. In my opinion, I had left the house at least as clean as I had found it (there were some dust bunnies and various pet-related dirt). Yet the HO dinged me a star for the neat and tidy category claiming there were a couple of places that were not gleaming. I’m not a cleaning service.
I took excellent care of the pets and garden and left the house in a state that most people would consider very clean (toilets and sinks cleaned, house vacuumed, sheets removed and placed in the laundry and linens changed). I could only conclude that we had a difference of opinion and move on. The one dinged star would not make much of a difference in my ten other 5-star reviews. If the HO didn’t actually ding you any stars I would not be too upset. Just chalk it up to a difference of opinion.
I am a HO and do sits. I have someone sitting as I prefer to have someone in the house, and for some company for our cat at night. For less than four days I prefer our hour a day sitter, there is actually quite a lot of Hassle for preparing the house etc. I don’t look on sitters as saving me money, as there are a lot of mutual benefits , including meeting nice people, and I also know I am saving them even more. Costs me £11 a day for a cat sitter… I don’t think you can get accommodation for that. When we stayed at one property we were highly aware and grateful that we had a huge house and pool for free, but also a wonderful dog who we really enjoyed looking after, whilst the Airbnb on site was £110 a night. So I am saddened when people focus on how much they are saving either party, as it’s obvious we all save money. And get other benefits from this type of exchange.
YES! I am HO and sitter too. I too don’t love this attitude. I would like to understand better. I have had all house-sitters who have no permanent abode and as such, don’t pay any rent. So they are also saving by living at my house. A dog sitter costs me $80 a day. My house to rent would be $5,000 a month where I live in a major city. It also saddens me when I hear this over focus on $ and also negative attitude toward HO. When I sit, I find a sit in a place where I wanted to be (touristy) and save myself upwards of $1,000 on accommodation by just taking care of their dogs (which I love) for a bit every day. It was a win-win. I happily cleaned and do other chores - CHORES I DO IN MY OWN HOME ANYWAYS! i always read the expectations of the HO and if i don’t like them - hey, presto, I don’t apply. freedom of choice
I am finishing a sit today of a cat that has to be fed 4 times a day with two of those including meds. Can you get that for 11E a day? you also do not factor in travel time and expense for sitters. Also, you are right and wrong. we would not travel to the extent some of us do if it wasn’t for this opportunity and it does saves a lot of money. But most of us would just not travel as much and still be content. I did note, most HO are appreciative, down to earth and humble.
Last, check out the price it cost for a dog,
especially if they have a rigid, demanding schedule for feeding/exercise/meds etc. yes there are places I can get lodging as cheaply as some of these would cost the HO. Last, you are aware some have goats, horse, chickens etc? it is a win win but there are HO who think nothing of an excessively demanding rigid schedule. This is my first year and have done 7 sits. I am learning and will fine tune my choices to allow more freedom for me to explore the area where I am sitting.
Hi yes, asking good questions and fine tuning what suits you is important. My next sit has three boisterous dogs, chickens and sheep. I chose it and am looking forward to it… obviously more responsibility and work than my cat but my choice! Hope you enjoy your future sits
I enjoyed reading these post. I am on my third house sit and the last two sits were for very young people in their 20’s. I am an older adult and must say their houses were not up to my standard as far as cleaning. I could not walk barefoot in the house as my feet would be completly black and that is not an exageration. I actually had to clean for them just so I could tolerate staying- and I am not an overly cleaning freak. It takes all kinds.
4 Dirtiest sits I’ve had: people in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s & 70’s.
Cleanest by miles: sitting for 2 guys in their early 20’s. Most immaculate home in every way, I’ve entered. And it was clear that they always kept it that way. Dream for someone like me (v clean/neat).
They were also the only ones to leave a welcome basket full of lovely goodies for me. Out of my 18 sits so far.
Guess you can never tell. Random huh?
THS is teaching me how very individual & unpredictable things/we are. And how to slowly be more accepting & flexible.
@Tgo53 while it was a welcome surprise and much appreciated after a very long drive there, I don’t expect one and it was the only time…
They also gave me a big hug as soon as I stepped out of my car, which made me feel immediately welcome and at ease, even though I was pretty pooped from driving.
Their amazing cat was the true highlight though. I still miss him. Perfect kittie. Perfect hosts.
The dirtiest home I’ve sat was for people in their 40s. I mention that, because someone brought up youth and I don’t think that’s an indicator. Some people just don’t care or have a high tolerance for filth and disorder, regardless of their age.
Personally, I was a clean and neat freak even as a kid, for instance. I’d clean the house without being asked to, starting from maybe age 10. (We kids started doing various chores years earlier.) My parents weren’t anywhere as clean as I was. And I was organizing stuff before Marie Kondo was born, LOL.
I never go barefoot in anyone’s house, including mine. I bring flip flops that I wear indoors only. That’s because your feet pick up stuff (if anything’s there to pick up) and/or you’re actually dirtying the carpet or rugs with oil and sweat from your feet. It’s like using the floor coverings as sort of socks and not cleaning them.
Having used THS as a HO for 6 years, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt is to chat with prospective sitters and both sides talk about their expectations. I can be a bit of a clean freak and if my sitter leaves the house slightly less clean and tidy than I would then so be it. It’s a different matter when you get home, the sitter is still there and there’s dried cat sick on the floor which they didn’t clear up “because you were going to be home today”. I also say to all of my sitters, things do get broken and if this happens, please let me know so I can deal with it straight away. There’s be a couple of times, I’ve “discovered” breakages at a later date which is a real pain