Homeless Animals - or Honey Bees?

Today, Saturday 17. August 2024, is the International Homeless Animals Day, as it falls on every third Saturday in August.

Although I haven’t adoptere homeless/shelter pets, we have been second (and even third) home for some of our pets. We have also found a new home for one of ours, as the pet was bullied by our other pet. We found it better when we found a home than keeping ours apart, as that could be somewhat stressful for the pets.

Do you have adopted a homeless pet, or been petsitting any adopted pet? Do you have an experience or a story you’d like to share?

It is also the International Day for Honey Bees. Anyone been petsitting honey bees?


We have a rescue dog who was found sick, malnourished and unsocialized. He was shipped across states in the U.S. and adopted by a family that then returned him to the shelter, because of his issues. Our dog is not right in the head and will never be normal. We adopted him knowing that, because we figured no one else would. He’d sat at the shelter for months after being returned. We adore and spoil him.

It turns out he’s also allergic to bees. We learned this after he was stung — he barfed, went unconscious and lost control of his bowels. I rushed him to the vet and it turns out he’d gone into anaphylactic shock, requiring a shot to stop his allergic reaction. Now, we always try to avoid bees when walking him.

Context: In the U.S., various states have too many stray dogs, so they’re trucked or flown to other states, where there are more people willing to adopt.


Both of my cats were strays, but came to me in different ways, 4 years apart.

Felix walked into my sisters pet door six years ago and decided he lived there. When my sister moved to Maine (from Florida), I inherited Felix. Bella was living under my elderly aunts shed with her two babies around Thanksgiving 2018.

Felix likes people and pretty much demands petting from everyone. Bella pretty much only likes me. They don’t seem to like, or dislike one another. They pretty much just cohabitate. Felix has been with me for 9 years, Bella for 6.


Yes! And the beekeeper came and left us a treat!


I am currently fostering these kittens and their mom while they await transport to a shelter in a different state, probably the northeast. I live in Texas which has an explosion of kittens and many cats - and dogs - are shipped to other states.

As an aside, I thought I was picking up mom and two kittens. When the finder walked in with the kittens, we realized that when she wrote “mom and kittens 2”, she didn’t mean "mom and 2 kittens":grin:.

This brood makes approximately 110 animals that I have fostered, almost all cats except for three dogs. I would love to foster more dogs, but my resident cat (a rescue found at a grocery store) doesn’t approve. Instead, I volunteer at my local animal shelter with dogs a lot.


We have done a sit where the homeowner kept honey bees, in the garden at the house and elsewhere. It was just a weekend sit so we had no beekeeping responsibilities. We did reveive a jar of honey with honeycomb as a gift.