How to get positive responses as a newbie?

Hi @Nana welcome to our Community Forum and to TrustedHousesitters I see you’ve had great support from the community and feedback from new members on getting started which can take a little while but equally I’ve known other sitter members who get the first sit they apply for, every situation, sit and member is different.

It took me 6+ weeks of continuous applications and after 14 years, numerous sits and many reviews, I don’t get every sit I apply for.

This thread posted by a new member who was having difficulty getting started, provides some great advice, feedback and insight …

Andrew became successful during the course of the conversation and has gone on to have an amazing THS journey …

As @richten1 and others have said, if and when possible start locally, my first sit was a 10 minute drive from my home and it’s not just a tactic, local sits are just as rewarding and fulfilling and long distance, you can actually discover things about your own “back yard” which you would otherwise not have seen, get to know local people and pet companionship is the same 5 miles or 500 miles away.

When you start locally you can connect with the pets and pet parents/owners ahead of the sit, giving everyone a chance to begin building a relationship, trust and confidence also you get the opportunity to see if this lifestyle is one you will adapt to and enjoy, as that is the ultimate goal.

Regarding responses from applications, we remind all members to respond to all messages in a timely manner as this helps everyone with plans and simply put is always appreciated, however we know that people live busy lives, circumstances change and we never know what is going on in anther person’s life at any given time.

I’ve had a look at your profile and would agree with @mars regarding references … this article from our website blog explains the importance of references. When surveyed PP/Owner members list references and reviews as one of their top considerations when viewing a sitter’s application.

Good luck with your first sit and do let us know how it goes … where are you sitting and what pet will you be keeping company?

Happy Easter …

Edit Update … @Sarah80 I hope this post will help you also …