Just a thought that every time I login or return to the forum home page I always have to scroll down a whole page to get past the full size image. It looks nice but having to jump down a page every single time probably isn’t ideal. Any way to either make the image smaller or add a preference to show a narrow banner instead?
@Jon-JWalking thank you for this feedback and we do see your point.
With the premise that “A picture says a thousand words” any preference for imagery content … pets, travel scene, people, what image would you say “speaks” the Forum’s purpose?
@Provence something we will look into, the option is available it could be a settings action.
@Angela_L I’m not really suggesting a different image, just perhaps an option in your preferences to see a smaller banner-type version. Not sure if the developers have access to this type of thing.
@Jon-JWalking they do indeed. Initially we had toyed with the idea of giving our testers a choice of images to vote on, one of the reasons for my question.
@Angela_L Ah ok. Well in my previous life I was a web developer so you’ll have to forgive all the geeky suggestions.
You could show the nice big welcoming photo for new forum users perhaps then give experienced users the choice of hiding the photo and welcome message. Just go straight to categories and topics. Just a thought.
Me too, I have to also.
Yes! I’ve voted for this idea. The picture is 3/4 of my (brand spanking shiny new iPad Pro 12.9”) screen (just thought I’d add that; I’ve only had it a couple of weeks & I’m still in the honeymoon phase ). It is a tad inconvenient.
I support the option for regular users to have a slimmer banner. I get that the message is important but as regular users now, I think we all do?
On the subject of the image itself @Angela, there are people whose whole working lives are dedicated to those sort of advertising dynamics and intricacies - and they get paid a fortune for working it out! For me, the message of the image is that the humans are too young & lovely and there needs to be at least one more pet in the picture. I’m dog-centric but a cat would be a good choice. Alpacas by the Aga would make me happy too but I can restrain myself on that point
Have a good weekend everyone
PS; yes I know there isn’t an Aga but it’s alliterative and it’s the kind of kitchen that probably has one out of shot!
@Saltrams Having the option to hide the big image and welcome message is what I was referring to. Not sure we need to see it every single time.
Oh dear. I thought that’s what I said. That was me agreeing with you. Looks like it didn’t come out that way
Agree… I hadn’t realized the topics were below it … I have been clicking on home … until now
@Saltrams No worries. Just confirming I guess.
@HousesittingMag Lots if scrolling down to do every time.
Discourse promotes this design feature;
Simple, but with context
Discourse is a simple, flat forum, where replies flow down the page in a line. Expand context at the bottom and top of each post, and also in quotes, to reveal the full conversation without losing your place.
It sort of works (when users are familiar) but it’s also quite disjointed.
Hey everyone; if you go to your profile you can set your home page to “latest” and then you land on the page without the BIG image
And wouldn’t it be handy to @ everyone in one conversation rather than having to @Jon-JWalking @Julie @HousesittingMag etc? Although your default settings probably mean you’re getting this by email & notification anyway…
@Saltrams Great tip on the profile change. Does the big image hide perfectly.
Nowhere to be seen!