Is this acceptable?

We recently had our first pet sitters. My parents have used this site for years as HOs so they’ve given me a lot of insight into how it works and what’s ‘normal’. While our pet sitters cared for our pets very well my husband and I feel really upset with how they left the house. We got married 2 days before their arrival, were both working and preparing for our trip and we still made a really big effort to prepare the house and car for them because for us a clean, tidy and prepared space is a non-negotiable. We were sleep deprived and exhausted but I thought when you sign up for an exchange like this you know that’s what you’ve committed to so you make it work.
Here is a list of the main issues we had on arriving home, if anyone has the time I would love feedback on whether this is acceptable. One of the sitters is very experienced with only five star reviews and assures us that we are being unreasonable.
I don’t want to scare off other sitters with a negative review but honestly if a sitter thinks this behaviour is normal I don’t think we want them anyway.

-We came home to find only one key (we gave them two), they did not warn us of its loss and can’t tell us where it is.
-Our house was left with the door unlocked and a downstairs window wide open. The last few days, after one left, the other sitter simply stopped locking the front door because she claimed she didn’t know how. We know our house, with our dogs in, was left unlocked for some hours the last day and also every time she took the dogs for a walk.
-They changed the place of furniture in a couple of rooms, and many items in the kitchen, left dirty dishes and piles of dishes drying without putting things back the way they were.
-They left the house full of their unwanted or forgotten personal items (without asking if we wanted them), multiple pairs of shoes, hats, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, a phone and an assortment of what seemed like rubbish in our bedroom; plasters, medication, half used products, headphones, ear plugs etc.
-The rubbish wasn’t taken out including an overflowing box of glass recycling.
-Our bed was unmade with the dirty sheets left on top, towels were unwashed and the washing machine had been run and then left.
-The lawn was covered with grass cuttings even though we stated where to dispose of them.
-They either misunderstood or ignored what I thought were clear instructions to cover the wood pile with a tarp. It was uncovered on our return.
-The kitchen and sitting room were not clean.
-We have asked multiple times throughout the month, and since the handover, for a list of costs to reimburse them but they still haven’t sent us anything. I know this worse for them but I really want to wrap things up and cease contact with them because our last exchanges have been full of disagreements.

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There seem to be quite a few contradictions in what you’ve written. If they hadn’t washed the towels and sheets, what was in the machine? Why would she need a lift if she had your car? Why was your husband’s mother meeting her? If she already had your car, presumably she was leaving not arriving? Was there no public transport? Why do you think there are costs outstanding to pay them? How long was this sit - it sounds like a long one. It doesnt sound like you need to cease contact, they have already done so.

By the way things are sounding in tour description I’d say no, this is not normal or acceptable. However, I don’t understand some things in your description (the car rides/bus rides, explanations and details left out and so on) so it’s hard to get a good grip on the situation. It sounds like there are two sides if the story here, but it could of course be entirely the sitters’ fault, what do I know.

As a sitter myself, I’d never loose a key without apologising and try to solve the situation, I’d never leave dirty dishes, dirty towels or dirty sheets. However, some HO’s aren’t expecting you to wash the sheets, so thay might be what they are used too, and I don’t think that’s wierd. I’d never leave the house unlocked unless there were a very good explanation and communcation about this, and I would never leave several personal items in the house.

However, it has happened that I’ve forgot a personal item, and I dont always make the bed with clean sheets, I might just strip it and wash the sheets. It depends on if I’m confident that the owner want those particular sheets in the bed or not, sometimes they use different sheets for themselves or might wanna make the bed closer to the next time they have guests, if it’s a guest bed. I might leave sheets hanging on a rack or in the dryer, depending on the situation on they day we’re leaving and how the home was when we arrived. I try not to but I find it reasonable if the situation demands it and no HO has had a problem with it, sometimes HO’s themselves has laundry hanging to dry when we arrive.

I’d never change the furniture but I might not always remember 100% where a stool stood or the exact placement of a rug, especially if it’s a long sit. Same things with kitchen items, I try as hard as possible but I might not remember where every particular item go and if home owners complained about that I would find them way too particular. I think it’s human if they forgot to do something you told them too, with the grass for example, but it’s not so good to forget several things. It also depends on if you’ve provided them with written instructions or not.

If they are not responding regarding reimbursement, my guess is that they already know you aren’t happy with them and they don’t want the burden of you also sending them money on top of that. I’d forget about it, but that’s just my take.


Ok. One thing at a time.
They lost a key and never told you. Mmmmm. Change the locks. Sounds dodgy to me.
They left the house unlocked because they didn’t know how to lock the door? I have come across doors which are hard to lock or complicated but never would leave the property unsecured. I’d probably lock that door from the inside and go out another door which was easy to lock.
Rubbish left. That’s a definite no no. However, recycled glass may have been left because they didn’t know where it went.
Moving the furniture around. I have done this before - just so I was more comfortable but I did take pictures before I moved it and put it back exactly the way it was before.
Bed not made. There can’t be anything more frustrating than coming home from a holiday and finding the washing machine full of wet bedding or towels. Either strip the bed, put the dirty linen in the basket and leave it tidily or wash, dry and put the bedding back on the bed.
Personal things left lying around. That’s just laziness. They can’t be bothered to tidy up and throw things out into the rubbish.
I’m also slightly confused about the transport issues. They didn’t have bus fare money or they needed to get to an atm to get bus fare money? Bad planning. And to ask for a loan is way over the top.
Why are you reimbursing them? Did they have to buy more food for the pets? Anything else shouldn’t be allowed.
No. We are not all like that. I pride myself leaving the property the way I found it. It sounds if you have had a pair of chancers looking after your pets. I hope they are ok.


Welcome Becca .!!Actually Becca 3 your experience sounds appaulling and I would definately report it to the Customer Service team because if what you are saying is accurate this sitter is giving the TH service and their sitters a bad name and needs to be reported
As a sitter for the last two years with plenty of good reviews I would confidently say you can anticipate at least the following from any good sitter: At the end of the sit
they would strip the beds and wash and at least hang the sheets and towels and teatowels out to dry (They may not have time to remake the bed )
The house should be left at least at the level of cleanliness and order you left it for them . Shower bathroom and toilets should be thoroughly cleaned .All crockery and cutlery should be washed dried and put away. Kitchen surfaces thoroughly cleaned including microwave and fridge and stove top ,airfryer . Old food stuffs need to be removed from the fridge I usually will clear out old foods clean the shelves and leave fridge shelves stocked with a few staples like eggs milk etc for the owners return The floors need to be vaccuumed and swept or mopped throughout . The kitchen tidy bin should be emptied and replaced with a fresh liner and the garbage taken out and if close to garbage collection days can be left out front All doggy poos should be picked up and the patio and surrounding paths to the house swept .As I have said you should be able as a homeowner to come home to a house at least as clean and tidy as how you left it
As for all the stuff left behind It sounds like she might have had other guests staying or perhaps was catching a plane and couldn’t take all hr gear with her I guess there are two sides to a story but your side sounds appaulling and definately needs following up on
I’m sorry to hear of your bad experience and hope you will get the support you need from TH customer service and feel brave enough and wiser to give the service another go in the future kind regards Wendy


-We came home to find only one key (we gave them two), they did not warn us of its loss and can’t tell us where it is.-They should have told you right away and apologized
-Our house was left with the door unlocked and a downstairs window wide open. The last few days, after one left, the other sitter simply stopped locking the front door because she claimed she didn’t know how. We know our house, with our dogs in, was left unlocked for some hours the last day and also every time she took the dogs for a walk.-She could have asked you buy maybe didn’t want to bother you
-They changed the place of furniture in a couple of rooms, and many items in the kitchen, left dirty dishes and piles of dishes drying without putting things back the way they were.-Moving furniture to make things more comfortable during the stay as long as it can be done without hurting the floors and furniture seems fine to me as long as it get put back. Dishes drying and not putting it away. I would be happy has a HO that the sitters didn’t waste water/soap/etc and wouldn’t care about putting it away after I got back. Little inconvenient but your pets were well taken care of right?
-They left the house full of their unwanted or forgotten personal items (without asking if we wanted them), multiple pairs of shoes, hats, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, a phone and an assortment of what seemed like rubbish in our bedroom; plasters, medication, half used products, headphones, ear plugs etc.-It’s busy on departure day. Unless they have a checklist sheet, sometimes things get left behind. My kids have left things behind on a couple houses and the HOs texted to see if they should ship it to us
-The rubbish wasn’t taken out including an overflowing box of glass recycling. Maybe they didn’t know what to do with the glass recycling unless you have specific instructions. If the rubbish wasn’t super full, maybe they didn’t want to waste a trash bag. Coming back to stinky trash would feel yucky. When they arrived, did you empty out all the trash? If not, maybe thing were following your lead.
-Our bed was unmade with the dirty sheets left on top, towels were unwashed and the washing machine had been run and then left. Sometimes depending on the time of departure, there is no time to wash the dirty laundry. I wash the dirty sheets and towels before our departure and although the HO’s have always been grateful, some wonder why I cleaned them and told me after the fact that I should have left it.
-The lawn was covered with grass cuttings even though we stated where to dispose of them. They were there to watch your pets, why are you asking them to cut your grass? You can hire a lawn service for that or cut it yourself after you get back
-Despite asking multiple times the sitter wouldn’t confirm which bus she was going to catch until the day of the handover (we needed to know so my husband’s mum could meet her), at the last minute she said she would leave my car and keys unattended in town as she was in a rush. She also asked for a ride last minute (over an hour round trip) which my husband’s mother declined to do. She then asked her for bus money (which she did later transfer to her). Hmm, this is weird.
-They either misunderstood or ignored what I thought were clear instructions to cover the wood pile with a tarp. It was uncovered on our return. They could have taken better notes or you could have kept it to strictly petsitting. If you hired a professional sitter, would you have given them wood pile duties?
-The kitchen and sitting room were not clean.
-We have asked multiple times throughout the month, and since the handover, for a list of costs to reimburse them but they still haven’t sent us anything. I know this worse for them but I really want to wrap things up and cease contact with them because our last exchanges have been full of disagreements. Whatever reimbursements your talking about, I would think they would hurry and not sure why they are procrastinating

Sounds like this wasn’t the perfect match for them or for you. Super specific detailed HOs really need to be matched with super specific sitters as the two personalities would match better.

We’ve done 15 sits so far and noticed that the HOs are so different from each other. Some forget so many things and it takes me to bring up the forgotten information. Some are so detailed that I’m having to read pages and pages of instructions. None have asked us to mow. None have asked us to clean towels or bedding. None have aske me for specific info on how I will get to their house or how I will be leaving. Some ask us to get mail. Some ask us to water the plants but they feel bad asking. I guess my suggestion is to be super specific in your listing so that you can be matched with someone with similar personality if you can. Or you can let your mother in law petsit or hire a professional

That sounds absolutely awful and makes me angry just by reading it.
To tell you the truth: From 10 sitters I had 1 or max. 2 who really cleaned well. Each time when I arrive home something is broken and anyway I allways order a cleaning-firm. It is never, never ever cleaned as I left it. I am quite desillusionated about sitters, but I am going on because I want that the house ist allways occupied. But it costs me each time a lot of nerves and monney.

Hey all thank you all for your feedback. It really helps get some perspective. Sorry for some things being unclear. I was trying to be brief to not write an entire essay but I’ve obviously lost some context. I’ll clarify somethings

There were other cloths, bath mats etc. In the machine.
This was handover day so she needed to leave my keys and car and take the bus.
We were getting back the day after her departure so we had arranged weeks ago for my mother in law to pick up the keys and watch the dogs.
She had to take our dog to the vet and buy some extra dog food for one of them. We’d had previously discussed form of reimbursement and she said she would pay and we could transfer the money afterwards.
It was a month.

@Becca3 Sorry this happened to you. Sounds horrendous! House should be as you left it, if that is what you indicated.

Some Owners have cleaners come on the last day, so all Owners should be specific about the laundry, cleaning, garbage, recycling, etc.

It sounds like someone young, disorganized, and irresponsible.

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Hi ! Thank you so much for your feedback. So good to know that’s the norm for you. The PO has said she feels we’re being completely unreasonable and she’s never been treated like this. I’ve been going crazy analyzing what we did and said to see if I’m being unfair. Obviously as many have stated there are two sides to every story but I find it so hard to believe other people would be ok with this. I don’t know whether this was just a one off or whether previous HOs just didn’t want to leave negative reviews.

Hey thank you for the reply!
One of them knew how to lock it and the other one just claimed she couldn’t, but I feel like in that case you put a little effort in to learn rather than just knowingly leave it open or inform us of the issue so we can try to fix it. Even though the lock was obviously functional but it can be tricky and I would have tried to help as best I could.

Before we left we walked with them to the recycling bins in our village. 2 mins walk from the house. All the bins and recycling are in the same place.

She didn’t have cash for the bus. Could be an honest mistake but it’s just the combination of everything that for me is really disorganised.

It was for food for one of the dogs on a special diet who didn’t have enough for the month and vet bill.

@IHeartAnimals I don’t think you are quite correct in stating sitters are there ONLY to take care of pets. Yes, most HOs see that as the most important thing, but I would think rarely the only thing.

I would consider keeping up the house and yard as something to be expected (I’m not talking about making renovations or cutting trees, but cutting the grass during a one month sit sounds normal). Of course, the HO should clearly state this in their listing and pre-confirming coversations, as they did in this case.

@Becca3 Without going into detail, all I can say is I agree 200% with what @ElsieDownie has written, absolutely!

In a nutshell, I am picturing the whole scenario and to me it sounds :face_vomiting::face_vomiting: Never would I even consider leaving one of those things not done, least of all, all of it! Gross :nauseated_face: I honestly don’t know how anyone can justify this behaviour, to me there is no excuse.

@Becca3 Not going through every point here, but just saying that as a HO I, too, would be very dissapointed. Some of the things you list are minor (grass cuttings, glass recycling), but when combined with the bigger ones (lost key, unlocked doors) they do add up!

I agree with you

Thanks for your reply and sorry to hear about your experience. I don’t expect the house to be immaculate but at least more or less clean, clear and organised. As you say it’s disheartening, I honestly don’t know if I’ll use a sitter again even though I love the idea and everything was pretty positive until we got home and saw the house and heard how the handover was.

Hi ! Thank you so much for your perspective.
We don’t have a dishwasher so washing up after oneself is the norm, if there had been a not full dishwasher I understand not wanting to waste on that.
When asked about all of their stuff the vast majority was either for the bin or they’d knowingly left it behind stating maybe we wanted it.
They last of the two POs left in the afternoon so definitely time to wash sheets. They also slept in our room and were provided with a made bed and clean sheets on arrival. Not sure why this wouldn’t be reciprocal ?
As for the grass. It states on the website that basic maintenance of house and garden is PO responsibility. We stated this responsibility in our description and again in the interview. They were here for over a month and were asked them to mow our tiny lawn once, cutting the grass also makes the space nicer for them to use. Finding and picking up dog poo in long grass is not fun…

Unfortunately the wood was cut late this year. It is our only source of heat, they also had the option to use wood anytime they were cold. We hired someone to chop and place the wood but unfortunately it wasn’t done before we left. We discussed before leaving whether they could put a tarp on it, showed them where it was and they said they were fine with it. It’s a job that, between 2, takes about 15 minutes. That’s interesting to know that you consider it out of place for a sitter. I’ll definitely think about that if we ever get another sitter. As stated it was a long sit so I felt that it was reasonable to ask for a task like this.

Some of these details are indeed unacceptable. I do feel for sitters who struggle to lock doors. I recently had this experience, thankfully it was just the screen door and I could lock the actual house door from the inside but it was really stressful and I spent some time every day trying to get the hang of it (the neighbours must have thought I was mad!).
If you have tricky doors or particular wishes in terms of things like washing sheets, mowing lawns etc please Please PLEASE write them down, make videos, draw little graphs. While this HS doesn’t sound like a great fit for your needs, no one can actually be expected remember everything you have verbally mentioned to them during a call or even a handover. I also disagree with someone in an earlier post who talked about HS must or should do this and that - there are no such rules for any of us. We don’t get training or have THS inductions. We all make up our own rules (T&Cs permitting) and some of us are better at that, or more intuitive, than others. If someone wants a Service Level style agreement with KPIs with their HS it might be worth considering hiring professionals (that are paid for providing that service and meeting those expectations)

Based on what you described, they sound like bad sitters. What I’d consider normal:

I’d never leave anyone’s house unlocked. If there was a problem with the lock, it’s something I’d raise immediately and get a locksmith to fix, if necessary. Losing someone’s key and not telling them is irresponsible. If that happened, I’d expect to pay to replace the lock as a sitter.

I leave sit homes at least as clean and neat as I’ve found them. As part of that, if I’d moved furniture, I’d put it back before leaving.

I take out the trash and recycling during my stay and when I leave.

I usually have enough time to wash the bedding and remake the bed. Otherwise, depending on the timing of my flight, I at least strip the bed and load the washer. That’s to avoid wet laundry sitting and smelling if the HO is delayed.

Leaving so many items behind sounds disorganized.

I won’t cut grass, but if it’s something I’d agree to do, I’d follow your request about cuttings. Likewise with the woodpile.

As for your cleaning for a sitter before your wedding and being exhausted, I don’t think there’s anything notable about that. If you want anyone to sit, a clean house seems like a basic courtesy to me. If you didn’t have time or energy, you could’ve hired a cleaner.

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Factual, on the money and balanced as ever @Maggie8K