Is your review style changing after blind reviews

Thanks everyone for your contributions. I think, according to your comments, that the style is gradually changing but very slowly. I’m not sure we’ve reached a “solution”, so I’ll leave the thread open in case people want to continue sharing their experiences and thoughts. I am really curious and hoping for more honest reviews. Although I understand that the way we express our honesty in words can vary quite a bit, even more so when we are in an international community with cultural differences in communication.
I was reading an older thread where the sitter was frustrated with a 5 star review, which mentioned that she had gone above and beyond and was exceptionally kind and organized. Reading that, I felt bad for not mentioning specific kind details by the owners but at first I didn’t because I didn’t want to raise prospective sitters’ expectations. After that, when they have been extra generous, I ask and, on one occasion, the owner said she preferred it not being mentioned and suggested the “above and beyond” general wording. One can never know!

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