Meetup Malmö, Lund (Skane)

Hi everybody,

any other sitters around in Malmö, Lund or copenhagen?
Ill be still in Lund cat sitting until the beginning of march.

I have a skane ticket, so I am very flexible regarding the whole area and like to explore. If anyone wants to meet up, le me know. :slight_smile:


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I am in Växjö now, will be passing through Lund this Monday, on my way to the night ferry from Trelleborg to Rostock.

I will send you a PM.

Have fun all together.

We will have Kulturnatten (the Culture Night) in Växjö on Saturday. That is great fun, with lots of activities in the center on Saturday evening, indoors and outdoors. A highpoint is the Opera Singalong, always full house in the consert hall.


Sounds like a really nice event!