Hi @Ben-ProductManager
You have mentioned in your examples on Improvement would be “When an invite is sent, this should have a message from the Owner”
Well I have been championing this since April 22 when I submitted this post:
Now that many sitters are receiving countless invitations are any experiencing the same as me?
Sometimes I receive an invitation without a message. I always ask the HO if they have sent a message and some respond that they have.
What seems to happen is that the HO sends a message and then hits the Invite button at the same time. The invitation arrives in the sitters Inbox but the message disappears.
I have advised the HO to send the message and then once it has gone, send the invitation, or vice versa.
This scenario has been going on for years and it needs a technical fix.
Maybe this is why some HOs are not receiving any responses to their invitations as their messages are not being received by the sitter. I always respond but maybe other sitters don’t.
I have reported this at least twice since but nothing is done