Messaging & Applications

Frustration: home owners who don’t reply in a timely way to applications. THS says all members have to reply within 72 hours, that frequently doesn’t happen. We apply to sits and 72 hours later, radio silence from many home owners. Not even an acknowledgement. So we withdraw our application as we are just not interested in dealing with poor communicators.

Idea: have a communication rating for all members like other platforms so we know what kind of person we’re dealing with. Have it so members lose ratings/stars for tardy responses and can earn them back for quick responses.

Frustration: the inability to ask questions of home owners about their sit listing without actually applying. Many times there is critical information missing or very little information. Home owners miss out on quality sitters because most of us bypass these type of listings.

Idea: allow private messaging without having to lodge an application and take up one of the precious 5 spaces just to ask a question. Let people communicate with each other like grown ups. Announcec a trial period then if it doesn’t work, scrap it. At least give it a go!

Frustration: owners not sending the welcome guide as soon as a sitter is confirmed because they haven’t completed it and they feel there is no urgency. Sometimes a sitter never gets the WG or often not until close to the sit time and it may include some responsibilites that were never descussed and agreed on.

Idea: make it so the home owner has to complete and upload the WG before their sit listing can go live and it MUST include the sit address and home owner contact details.

Frustration: owners sending sit invites for dates that a sitter is unavailable having already been confirmed for THS sit for the same dates.

Idea: don’t let the system do this! The home owner should receive a system message saying “sorry, this sitter is not available for your sit dates, please search for a different sitter”

@Ben-ProductManager thanks for asking for feedback. You are receiving many ideas here,. What would be nice (and polite) is to provide some feedback to your members on whether these ideas are viable or not. THS’s past radio silence in these matters is very disappointing, please don’t let this be a repeat performance.