Messaging & Applications

Hi All,
Thanks for contributing answers to the poll and answering the question on video calling.

@Wildcolonialgirl to answer your question

So firstly, I always have a video call as an owner and as a sitter. It was more out of curiosity, do you go ahead and have a call? As a platform we encourage a video call as we believe its key to communicate as much as possible with the owner/sitter.

As a sitter, by having a call you can chat about their pet, home and requirements. It’s a chance to ask any questions you might have about the sit and go into more detail i.e. what’s the pet’s current routine? Do you mind if I work from home? Is your pet allowed in the bed/or on the furniture? etc…

Secondly, the messaging and application flow is an area which we have prioritised to make it more performant and scalable. The desktop and mobile web implementation has also been written in an old codebase which has over the years prevented us from fixing bugs and making improvements.

We are planning to work on the rebuild of the messaging and application flow shortly, as announced earlier in the thread, a new team is being put on this. (FYI we also have a team working on reviews and search)

As we are rebuilding this gives us an opportunity to update and enhance the user experience. In order to give ourselves the best options for scalability we have to consider future initiatives, so we can put the right foundations in place. One of these areas is making the messaging experience a richer, instant service, and to offer video calling on the platform. At this stage, we are very much at the research stage and this thread will be used to ask general questions and get feedback as we work on this project.

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