We were thinking of joining in the past but had a change of plan.
We may now join soon.
Please can someone tell us what personal information is shown / published online when we sign up?
We have no problem with sharing information if/when we agree to do a house sit, but wouldn’t really want our full names, phone number and email address to be openly visible on the site or before a sit has been agreed.
Also, does anyone know how the money back guarantee works if you are unsuccessful in securing any house /pet sits?
Many thanks
Welcome @Newbie987
I’m sure the admin people can jump in here to confirm but the only thing that shows up (I’m a sitter) is my first name, the city I list as my residence (though I can change it to anywhere), and for almost all people, the picture you provide to them. I don’t believe that even THS shares this information with the home owner. It’s up to the sitter and home owner to share what ever part of the information they choose when they are ready to.
Welcome @Newbie987 .You will be asked for personal information so that the verification check can be done but this personal data / information is not shared on the website or with Homeowners.
As @Danandnan has said only your first name and a photo is shown . All your other information is not shared even when a sit is applied for , discussed or committed to - it would be down to you to share your telephone number etc with the Homeowner. Likewise you won’t get theirs from TH you share it between yourselves .
The money back guarantee applies only to sitters based in U.K. “ those that are based in the UK can receive their money back if they have been unsuccessful in confirming a sit within 14 days of making their 5th application. “
If you are worried about the money side of things, don’t be. You get two months free for each person that you recommend to THS, so we are currently have 26 additional free months due to that. Because we can’t help but chat positively about THS, when we’ve had so many great experiences since joining.
Plus you get 2 months free whether they are sitters that sign up or pet owners, so it’s great on that front.
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