New to THS need help!

Hi @Jo-Andy and welcome to the forum! You came to the right place. It’s definitely not too early to post your listing for an early February trip. My first suggestion is to link your listing here, to your forum profile. You are not permitted to put the link in the body of your message but it can appear in your profile when someone clicks on your username.

Here are the instructions:

[How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile]

Once you have done that, ask for feedback from the forum members. We will tell you what is good about your listing and what might need to be added or changed.

You can also reach out to sitters within driving distance to your home first and send them an invitation. Due to covid complications — ever-changing travel restrictions, potential illness and flight cancellations, many people are not anxious to fly to a sit right now, so looking a little closer to home is a good idea.

Another suggestion is to make a car available to your sitter.

We have discussed this in the past. If you click on the spyglass (on the upper right if you are on the website) and enter search terms, you will find more information on the topic. Here’s a start:

, but do add your listing to your profile. You will get great feedback and someone here may even apply.

Good luck!