New trend asking sitters to pay for utilities

I’ve noticed a few longer term sits asking sitters to pay for utilities. I personally would never accept a sit like this, and I don’t understand how this is allowed by the TOS? But if it is allowed, does that mean as sitters we can start to offer our services for a fee, as professional sitters do?

Seems very one sided to allow hosts to ask for payment unless sitters can as well. Am I wrong?


This has been discussed many times here on the forum. Just enter ‘utilities’ in the search field and a number of links will crop up.
I wouldn’t apply for such a sit either but it is allowed, whereas charging a fee for sitting isn’t


I now see one on Grenada. 500 dollars per month!

That is rent. Exorbitant rent.


But did you read what you get for 500 a month? Gee, if it were possible I would jump at the chance to sit there, unbelievable property and location so the utilities cost wouldn’t bother me in the least. Living in luxury like that for three months, I could easily deal with that! Like staying at a luxury resort at a fraction of the cost!.


I always find it a little odd when I see those ones, as pets need air conditioning or heating too, they also need a hose pipe to clean muddy paws too, water plants, and electric to cut grass.

It takes away the good nature of this site.


@HappyDeb this sit has a live in caretaker on the grounds, a maid and a gardener three days week. Now I could deal with that for $125 a week :rofl:


I did a 7 week sit in Cyprus last year. The hosts showed me what their usual electricity bill was, and asked me if I would be willing to pay the extra, if I used more, I agreed to that, but didn’t go over, so never paid anything. Some sitters do go a bit mad, a/c on 24/7. Given the high price of electricity, I can understand where they are coming from.


This sounds like a logical solution


Depending on the property/sit. I really don’t mind being asked to pay for utilities, it means I can use the heating/air con as much or as little as I like. It’s a mutual agreement, especially for a longer sit

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@worldjason yes it’s allowed . Sitters who don’t want to pay shouldn’t apply .

Unless the sit is in a very attractive area a requirement to pay utilities will likely reduce the number of applicants.

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In that case surely THS should also state that sitters can request a contribution to travel costs? It really does take away from the whole ethos of the site as a money-free exchange.


Personally this seems imbalanced and defeats the purpose of an equal exchange. Fortunately the long term sits I’ve done the HO did not ask for anything. It seems more like airbnb from my perspective… I’ve done private sits over the years for many people, where I’ve charged and it was for a month, and the pet parent never even thought of asking for bill payment. I think this needs to be reevaluated. Like others have stated though, i would not except such a sit, but if a sitter is willing then that’s their prerogative.


I don’t know the reason behind allowing this .

My guess is that not all house- sits have pets to look after and therefore asking a sitter to contribute to the utilities only that they would use for a long house sit without any pets was seen as reasonable .

So far we have not accepted any sits where contributions to utilities was expected . However with the huge increase in utility bills in U.K., it would not surprise me if there is an increase in these type of listings .

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@worldjason There are a lot of things that are one-sided on THS that favor homeowners. Hosts can charge for utilities. Sitters can’t charge a fee to cover their transportation costs… Hosts can contact any sitter on the site by sending an invite. Sitters can’t contact hosts even to ask a question unless they are among the 5 candidates applying for a sit or have applied for a previous sit or the HO has invited them at some point. Hosts are allowed to post their last minute sits on the forum. If sitters have last minute gaps to fill or are wanting to sit in a specific area during a specific time, they are not allowed to post this on the forum. Homeowners may post unlimited numbers of sits throughout the year. Sitters are restricted from applying for sits unless they are among the first 5 applicants and have no overlaps with existing dates. Sitters and homeowners pay the same membership fees, but sitters are definitely treated differently by THS. Luckily, there are many wonderful hosts who appreciate their sitters and treat them like friends.


@worldjason and here is your answer. As long as sitters are willing to pay for utilities, owners will continue to ask and charge them. If nobody applied for those listings the practice to charge sitters will stop.


Or THS could enforce their own T&Cs. That would also stop it.

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This, exactly. I typically have a flight or other transportation costs to and from a sit. Is it against TOS for sitters to ask for those costs to be covered? If so, that’s a double standard


Agree :100:. The site is very much tilted in favor of the hosts and there is a definite imbalance. The examples you post are precient.


I’m going to take a liberty here and copy this to the feedback thread…

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That is a great idea. It would be good if THS could respond to all the examples @Southernsitter has highlighted of the inequalities between sitters and hosts. @Jenny maybe this can be passed on to membership?

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