Long Term Winter Sits Payment for Utilities

Hi all. As this site is still fairly new to us, I was not aware of issues regarding a request to contribute to Utility bills, for “Long Term Sits”. Especially in the Autumn and Winter months.

We “would like” couples where 1 or both work from or will be home most of the time.

Whoever disagrees with the HO asking the Sitter to contribute to the Utility BIlls during these harsh times, should stop and think how lucky they would be to be in a great house and in a great location, “Rent Free”.

Why should the HO be at risk of facing exorbitant Utility Bills for Long Term sits.

Fares fare, the sitters are still getting a great deal, having no other monetary commitments for 4 months.
This was also highlighted to me from a disgruntled sitter, because I messaged her after our video call and politely told her I had forgotten to mention this. She was aware I was new to using this site.

Made me wonder though, she also told me that she charges HO’s for Christmas Holiday sits. That’s a bit of the “Pot calling the a kettle black” and supposedly against the rules coming from a long time Sitter who should know better.

I say to the Sitters don’t be greedy.

Yes you are providing a service, but at least have some morals and contribute in Long Term Sits.

Not all HO’s are wealthy and need an some need an extra quid just like the Sitters.

If the request for a contribution to the Utility Bills is not allowed, then I will be looking at other sites.

And for those that felt they were getting hard done by with my listing and telling me they were reporting my listing, go ahead.

Rant over. Checkout my Listing as I was not aware of not being allowed to request a contribution to the Bills.


You are allowed to ask for a contribution, but many sitters, incl. me, is not interested in such sits. I don’t live in the hosts home for free. I pay for my own home, incl. utilities and other expenses with owning a home while I pet-sit, and also pay considerable amounts of money to go to the home of the host, usually incl. International travel. (Sometimes I also pay kennel for my own pet to look after others.) It is really of no interest for me to pay the hosts bills also. Then I’d rather go on a hotel-holiday with no responsibilities.

Some will accept sits where they pay utilities, and usually it would be an agreement Where they pay for instance a contribution to electricity IF the bill should exceed what the host would normally use. In those cases many times that is nothing, because bill is not exceeded (and would host pay sitter contribution if the sitter use less than host? :wink: ). I as a solo sitter would use much less than a couple or a family.

In another post I believe you said that you wanted a sitter to stay/ work from home. Then it would be your request that they stay in the home and have need to use electricity and such during the day. Not the need of the sitter, as the sitter could/ would be elsewhere exploring the area during the day.

Under THS-terms a sitter is not allowed to ask for money, and it should be reported.

You can ask for anything. But it will have an impact on how attractive your sit is, and how many would be interested.
Holidays are high demand for sitters, and it would be a big factor to be attractive to sitters. Possibility of paying for taking care of pets could be one factor that could prevent getting a good sitter, as good sitters have ample choice of sits.


From your other thread @KevSteve



I think you’re on the wrong thread @KevStevebut not to worry. You can of course ask for contributions to utilities but most experienced sitters will simply not apply. Many have homes of their own that still need utilities and council tax paying for so the “4 months free” thing is often negated. They’ve also paid travel to get to you (often international) & still have to feed themselves. Please report the sitter that said they charge, no THS sitter is allowed to charge anything! If you’re after WFH’ers as that’s more company for your pets, then they need to be warm as are often sat in front of a laptop for hours on end (am including myself in this one). Your pets need warmth too & any house needs to keep its “bones” warm for winter. I don’t know where you live but my folks pay £800 a week for kennels for their 4 working labradors, that’s around £12k for 4 months, covering utilities would seem like a steal to make that kind of bill go away…… #foodforthought


A lot of Sitters use the Sits locally so they can get out of their house share arrangements and to have a more comfortable house to reside in locally.

I think it should be a give and take.

But agree, I meant to add that it would paying a contribution if it was more than our average bill. I don’t think that would be too much to ask. This would then make them more conscious and rethink about how long and what temperature they use the heating on.

If you’re a prospective host, better to learn THS’s terms before ranting and telling others what to do. You’re supposed to declare upfront in a listing if you want to charge for utilities. That’s to save everyone time and avoid your sit if they have no interest in paying.

I’m a telecommuter who sits, and I have zero intention of paying any hosts. Couldn’t care less if a host thinks that’s “immoral,” which I find laughable.


I pay something similar for kennel. In the standard rate my dog will have a dog-flap to out-space and will be walked once a day with other dogs. If I want my dog walked alone and/ or several times, that would be extra charge for each and every walk. Cuddles, company and staying in own home isn’t on the pricelist at all. :smile:


:100: it should be give & take and a contribution is way better than “pay the bills”. It will really depend where you live, how many pets you have, what the responsibilities are, how nice a sit it is, if you have good reviews yourself and what the competition looks like. We’ve never done a local sit ever, like many, we use THS to travel (45 sits, 22 countries into the adventure :raised_hands:t3:) Have you found someone, where is the sit and when does it start? #beingnosey

Well Kevsteve, I’m slightly taken aback. I’m a HO and although didn’t choose to adopt our animals (happened by chance, long story) I also choose not to put them in kennels and when to go away. Previously, we travelled to warmer climates during our winter months, not only because we prefer a warmer climate and are retired, but it saves us putting the heating on in winter months. Post animals, last 2 years we’ve chosen to stay home in the winter because a sitter would obviously need the heating on (this could be higher than we use) and go away in warmer months.

Look, we all make choices. If you choose to have animals you have to look after them whether in your home or in kennels. Personally, having our animals in our home with someone kind enough to want to stay and ‘guard’ our home at the same time is a bonus. It’s not free, it’s an exchange of services certainly on this site. My daughter does have a friend to stay looking after her cats when she’s away because her friend house shares and wants space, but again, this is an exchange of services. If I were to put our cats (dogs are more expensive and where I live, there’s a fab inexpensive cattery) it’d cost me £10 pnpc - £20pn. If I were to go away for 2 weeks - £280. The amount a sitter would use in utilities would be less than that I’d imagine…or close to it. My neighbour has someone come in to feed her dogs and let them out sometimes. She’s charged £15 for around 15mins so I think, thank goodness for THS! :heart:


So you’d be happy with a stranger just running your Central Gas Heating 24/7 and considering the cost to the unsuspecting owner.

I had one sitter that’s ran ours on 32 degrees Celsius 24 /7 x 4 weeks.

Bill was $1343 compared to usual of $280 for 2 months.

So the HO should just risk this with all sitters?

Okey dokey!

No HO is forcing any Sitter to “Apply” so I don’t know why those that aren’t willing to contribute simply just don’t apply.

I couldn’t put it in any simpler way for Sitters to comprehend.

This is why we choose to stay home during the colder months. If you choose to go on holiday, choose to have animals, you have to choose what you do with them when you’re away. Your choice. So no, we don’t let anyone run up a huge bill, we choose to stay home during the colder months and use our own heating. Not sure how many animals you have, but for example, 2 @ £20pn is £1200 and you’ve had your house looked after too….? And if you’ve a dog and a cat - £1500. Maybe kennels would be a better fit for you and your animals.


The vast majority of sitters would not apply for any sits in which the HO request reimbursement, which probably leaves you without a good selection of experienced 5* sitters.
These 5* sitters are the type that, along with looking after your pet and house very well, would not be wasteful of energy anyway but you will not have a chance of getting any of these now, after arriving on the forum with a rant like yours.
It find it utterly incredible.
Take a step back, and see the bigger picture.


Funny that. I’ve had a few great replies. Cheers.

It’s the Sitters choice. We’re not sending personal invites!

We’re not sending personal invites! So up to the Sitters. If you’re not interested scroll past.

Good news travels fast, bad news travels faster


That is right. We simply don’t reply. :smile:
Something to think a little about. Since the sitter it seems you got could be in breach of THS terms. :wink: It seemed that your OP was about not Being to happy with the applicants you got. You’ve had great advice here, and the choice is yours.

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@KevSteve It’s not the fact that you charge for utilities that’s the issue here. It’s the fact that you didn’t mention it in your listing. That’s why sitters grumble. Most won’t even waste time applying or chatting if they knew this was expected.


Your pets need heating too, that’s one of the reasons why we view it differently. If you relied on a neighbour, you’d still need the heating on for your pets.

You’re perfectly entitled to ask for a contribution in your profile, especially when you are talking months. But it’s totally unacceptable not to put it in your profile at the onset, like it perhaps sounds like you forgot to do with your sitter, so no wonder she was disgruntled, you breached the terms. You’ll have less applicants to pick from, but pop it in your profile if that’s what you want to do.

Charging for Christmas sits - she’s likely to be getting those sits through a different site, not THS. Some sitters charge via other sites, but also use THS at the same time and give their time for free in exchange for accommodation via it. Owners report any sitters that ask for money via THS.

Looking at other sites - there aren’t many sites where sitters sit for free. Most other sites include paid sitters.

A lot of sitters use the sits locally so they can get out of their house share - No, they don’t, if you look at the bulk list of sitters, there are not many like that at all, the majority are more likely to be visiting the family (like us), after a change of scenery without traveling far, or building up their reviews by staying local for a while, or they haven’t got much free time so stay more local, and they probably miss having pets of their own.

It’s okay to ask for utility money in your profile, but you’ll have less apply that’s all. If you look at other owners profiles in your own area, you’ll realise how few of them ask for utilities on THS. Infact in my local area, I have only ever noticed one sit that asked in the whole time I’ve been a member, flooded in a sea of those that didn’t, it’s a different mindset.

Another solution would be to only pick sitters that were used to the temperatures where you are, and buy additional blankets so they can use them on the sofa. I hear it too many times on here where the sitters are too cold (heating) or too hot (aircon)… when they obviously didn’t take adequate clothing for the location in the first place.


I couple of questions,
How much would it cost for the long term kennel etc fees for your pets when you go away on this trip?
Check your home insurance, most state that the property cannot be left empty for a period. How much would it cost to repair the damage done by a burst pipe?
Now, compare your utility costs and the costs of pet bordering and accidents which will not be covered by your home insurance.

Got the picture yet?

As a compromise, I would offer to pay any difference in your utilities for the period I was sitting compared to last year. But then, I suppose I could turn that round and ask for difference if my utility costs were less than last years - I’m a canny Scot that is very frugal with money! But to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t sit for you and your pets with your attitude. Very entitled.