Overseas pet sit

Keep trying, our first couple of sits were in the UK, and we live on the west coast of Canada.


We’ve been to two house-sits where they’ve noted a car is required, but once we chat with them and agree to come they have offered up there vehicle to use while they are gone. In both cases, we rented a car for the first few days and at the end (or arranged for train travel). So… in my short experience here, the ‘car required’ note may not always be exactly true.

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Thanks for the tips @Crookie … I had never thought of those things.

No, not really. We used to do a lot of house swaps and usually offered this, as did many house swappers. It always worked well and gave people chance to meet and get to know their way around. Works the same for pet sits, but it’s not a deal breaker.

Wow, I am very impressed with what you’ve accomplished! So many sits not to mention the daunting task of posting reviews and feed back for each one!


I too am from the U.S. west coast California and have been on TH for a year and a half. I also began with mostly local sits to build up more reviews . Over the fall I had two out-of state sits for two months yet still on the West Coast actually in your state of Oregon. Currently I’m in Nevada for two months through the end of February. I’m very excicted as I’ll have my first east coast sits in Vermont for a month beginning in March which will require flying. I do not drive so I focus on sits that are in convient regions or have access to Uber/lyft and public transport. Of course I make sure to let HO know this in my applications and always convey my Resourcefulness and flexibility. I’m hoping to travel overseas next fall possibly including the UK and land some sits over there at that time. I just say keep plugging away and I’m sure you’ll land something fantastic :clap: :ok_hand:


There are some gorgeous cats in the
Just saying.

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Aussies here. We have been lucky to secure dozens of UK sits over the last year or so. Once we had the first one locked in we changed our location to one in the UK. That made it easier to get a couple more. And then filling the gaps was easy once we were there in person. In fact we were turning down dozens of invites because we were either booked or weren’t interested in the locations. So there are more than plenty to go around. Just keep at it.


The more sits through Trusted House Sitters that you do with good references the better. We have done so many over the years with only five star ratings that we almost never get turned down and that includes overseas.

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