The sitter can’t formally cancel the sit in the THS system, but can inform the HOs that they will not be doing the sit and then the HOs can cancel it. If they won’t then member services can cancel it.
Also, keep in mind that you don’t have to agree to date changes. If this is confirmed, then there are dates for the sit. It sounds like you agreed to be flexible while they finalized their arrangements which is nice of you and most sitters do try and be flexible when we can. However, being flexible does not mean waiting an indefinite amount of time or agreeing to whatever dates they give you. If they come back with dates that don’t work for you or the price of changing your flight has gone up substantially in the time you’ve been waiting, you don’t have to agree to the new dates.
I hope it all works out for you. But don’t feel like you are locked in to whatever dates the HOs decide on, or that you have to continue to wait for them to decide their dates.
This is a huge red flag! Maybe the Owner is tech challenged? This might affect overall communication and reviews.
If you are otherwise feeling really good about this Sit, I would give them a deadline of Monday morning at 9 am to get back to you with exact dates, or otherwise you need to cancel. Something very firm and precise. Then follow through.
Thank you for your message @PVGemini
Yes, I think that is part of the issue and yes, I’ll wait until the end of the weekend. Hopefully it will be sorted. If I don’t hear anything, then I’ll ask one more time. If it’s not resolved, I’ll ask to cancel the sitting.
Thank you @systaran
I agreed for the non definite dates of the sitting as I am free from the start date and, at the moment, I am able to change the return ticket with no surcharge.
Today I sent another message to the PP informing that I have another sitting prior to this one and asked to please book the flight with departure after this date. Hoping this message has been fully received!
Anyway, after talking with you I have realized to give them a deadline of Monday.
In the meantime I am emailing THS in case I need assistance.
Thank you for your much appreciated support.
Ive just had this done to me. I fly out tomorrow for a sit that’s been booked for months and the HO have changed their leaving date by several days and asked me to consider staying at their friends house because their house is too small with them (and me). I arrive tomorrow !!! I don’t know how to respond to them.
You have a few options @Gabba. You could cancel but that’s expensive I’m sure. You could ask the HO to pay for accomm as you’re not comfortable with their friends and they’ve changed the Ts & Cs of the sit. You could go stay with the friends (will they be there or is their place empty?) and view it as an adventure. All ways round, you need to tell the HOs that unfortunately they’re breaking the Ts & Cs of the sit arrangement so you need to consider your options (as above) & see how they respond. Paid accomm is best, depends how generous they are. You can also talk to support on the chat (ask for a human). And do all of it quickly. #housesittinglife
in addition to the options @Cuttlefish has mentioned if you are a Premium member you can ask member support if you would be able to make a claim under the sit plan for a cancelled sit.
“If loss is suffered by a Sitter as a result of having to source Alternative Accommodation due to a Pet Parent cancelling Unexpectedly”
If you decide do this , explain that sit start date has been changed by homeowners with 1 days notice .
Since you arrive tomorrow you could use the emergency number to contact them.
@Gabba … no it’s not fair and at the very least should be mentioned in your review.
What I mean about the sit plan is it covers you when owners cancel or curtail a sit .
In this case homeowners have unexpectedly cancelled the first few days of the sit .
Therefore you might be covered for the cost of alternative accommodation until the new start date of the sit .
So if you are a Premium member it maybe Worth asking member services ?
@Gabba Suggest the the HOs go stay with their friends or pay for your accommodation. Why would they think you would be willing to stay with strangers for several days?
@Gabba Yep, this stinks. Please mention the facts about the date change (not how you felt about it) in your review. It’s vital that the HOs know how this kind of change inconveniences sitters. And it’s important to share facts with future sitters so they can make informed decisions.
Thanks everyone
The pet owner still doesn’t ‘get’ it. They’ve changed their plans and she doesn’t understand that the agreed dates are supposed to be upheld. A compromise has been agreed to, basically because I refuse to stay elsewhere when I’ve traveled so far and agreed to this sit since last year. We’re all going to remain in the one bedroom cabin but I get the bedroom and they’ll have the lounge room. It’s not ideal. But I’ll make it work. I will reflect this in my review in a months time.
I appreciate the moral support.
I hope everything goes well @Gabba
I understand all this has happened on the last minute. I would talk with Support team and insist on having them talking with the PP when such matters take place.
I don’t think it is fair that it has to be all to us dealing with the PP, I feel too much exposed and it is not a pleasant experience at all. After all, the support team should give a real concrete support and THS should make sure that users respect the T&C.
Yesterday I started emailing Support asking for advice and they came back suggesting to give a deadline and request a cancellation if there is no update as you @systaran suggested as well.
I was asked if I needed assistance or guidance in approaching this conversation and I replied that I would appreciate their help. After that, silence.
I sent two emails asking if there was any update, no answer.
My next step was asking if they can cancel the sitting on behalf of the PP in case there are any complications, but not having received a follow up I don’t know what to do.