Pet attack

Thank you. I needed to know that guideline about reporting.

This cat can’t be sat via THS in the future, because its terms do not allow pets that have attacked any person or other animal before.

To me, you have an ethical obligation to report this attack to THS. Otherwise, it could happen to someone else. Imagine if someone could’ve prevented your attack.

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I reported. Thank you.

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Cat scratches need to be taken very seriously. I am glad you went to urgent care hopefully the antibiotics keep you from getting cat scratch fever. It’s OK to feel bad for the owners but sitters need to know and I agree in the future they need to find paid sitters that have insurance. I’m not sure I could’ve stayed after that. I had one of my own dogs bite me a while back and it took a long time not to be scared again.


As @mam1996t says, cat scratches need to be taken seriously. A few years back I was about to join THS as a HO but took in a cat that caused me to go to urgent care 5 times (5!) so knew I couldn’t be a HO. At urgent care they told me the only thing worse than a cat scratch is a human bite - twice when I was waiting to be seen someone came in with that.