Please STOP leaving "Pet Only" or NO reviews for bad sits

Ultimately the best thing to do now @JeanetteK is to take a breath, let things settle and then write an honest review. Respecting and receiving a 5 star review are two different things. If he doesn’t warrant one then tough luck, write whatever you want to. Non emotional, factual and truthful. Are your pets okay as that is no 1 in all this? Talk to support as well and report him if you think it warrants it. A few things to think about for future sitters. Did he have any reviews? Did you do a video call before committing? Is there any lasting damage other than a very untidy house and some cleaning? If not, it might be more calming to just put it down to experience. It’s definitely the exception and not the rule. Out of interest, how was the comms “inappropriate”?


You really are quite rude, perhaps you could tone down your responses.


Did he say that? Don’t give it.

Wait until he writes his review. If that does not come, he will have a “missing review” (which is visible in the app, unfortunately not in the web interface). Savvy home owners will know that that is a bit of a red flag.

Firstly @JeanetteK welcome to the forum. Sad to see that your initial interaction with the folks here, is such a sad state of affairs. The sitter’s behavior is unacceptable, and should be noted as such, in the review. No only will this alert other potential pet owners, but will also provide feedback to the sitter, if he is so inclined to improve his skills. Additionally, future sitters will understand that your directives and instructions, are something to be taken seriously. Please don’t base your judgment of all sitters, on this one unfortunate incident. Best of luck on your next experience on the THS platform.


Hi, JeanetteK! I’m sorry you had this issue. Was this a sitter who had multiple 5-star reviews from previous homeowners?

Don’t leave a 5 star review if the experience wasn’t at least good! This goes for sitter and owners. This has been discussed at length. In the current system it’s better to leave no review if you have a bad experience, otherwise it might (or very probably will) result in an avalanche of negativity.

Do any sitters leave feedback for the PP before receiving their review? The way the system is currently set up, I would be shocked if any do - especially as the feedback needs to be requested by the PP.

ETA: I’ve been corrected in another thread that sitters can and do get nudged to leave feedback for PP/HOs without it being requested

Not true.

If a HO does not leave Feedback for a Sitter, nothing shows. No dates with no Feedback. So when a future HO views a Sitter’s history, they only see sits where there was Feedback.

Opposite of HOs where if a Sitter does not leave a Review, the dates show, with the Sitter shown, and no Review. This is in the App only. On the website, only actual Sitter HO Reviews show.

I often do that, yes.

I guess I am used to that from couchsurfing etc. As a host, I would only make the effort for guests that did not have a reference yet. When guests did not write that was fine with me, I did not need more reviews. I am only writing when they write. Systems like CS, Bewelcome and Trustroots are all double-blind now, I think.

@belluca Yes, we sometimes do.

I do request a HO’s Feedback of us not long after the sit, noting that I will be shortly posting our Review. We’ve never had an issue where a HO did not provide Feedback.

Also, I’ve never received a request from a HO to leave a Review. I have been prompted by THS.

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My understanding is that the prompt from THS is actually a review of THS, and it does not go on the PP’s profile, but appears on some 3rd party site that I’ve never found. In order to leave Feedback (not a review) of the PP, it must be initiated by the PP.

Which is a highly confusing and really terrible system!!

If it was a good sit, we often write our review/feedback before the HO’s do theirs.
I even did it for our one bad sit, because I needed to get it off my chest. They never left their review for us, and are not members anymore.

On CS, the etiquette was for the surfer to leave the review first (many hosts used to specifically say they will only leave a review after receiving one). In that spirit, on THS it seems the opposite, that a PP/HO should leave the first review. Part of it is to see what goes in the review, but also to avoid reviewing someone who didn’t review you? So complicated :laughing:

CS has definitely moved to a double-blind review system, and that eliminates the fear of retaliation, but on any platform where reviews = life, I can still see a sitter waiting for a notification that a review has been written before leaving one themselves.

Hi @belluca
I never leave feedback for the HO first

I always do video chats and check profiles and reviews before committing to a sit. I’ve been a host for the past four years and I thought I was experienced with picking potential sitters :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

He has good reviews, had been ID verified and had references and I didn’t get the weirdo vibe when I spoke to him initially.

A dirty house I can cope with - it’s the fact that he slept in my bed, used my towels and my dressing gown which I am annoyed about. That is the thing I’m most annoyed about.

His comms ranged from asking if I was single, how much my house was worth and trying to get me to commit to crypto trading and matching betting. He was more creepy than anything

Thankfully my animals were okay which is the most important thing but it has massively put me off new sitters to the platform as it unfortunately has an effect on everyone.

WTF. He put this in writing?!? That is really concerning, and goes beyond a bad review IMO. You should forward those texts or whatever to THS because someone being that creepy/pushy should not be on this platform.

ETA: the fact that he was asking if you’re single and then slept in your bed instead of the space allotted to him… I would seriously buy a new mattress.


Oh my word @JeanetteK that is just abhorrent! Feels like total violation of privacy. Not acceptable at all. And he ‘forgot’ that you told him not to use your room? Come on.

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Wow!! Completely understand. The comms thing would weird me out too. Think you should report him to support TBH. Us normal sitters are still out here in our droves I promise :hugs:


Oooh. :face_vomiting: New dressing gown please!

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@JeanetteK - so sorry to hear of your most recent experience. As you have hosted sitters before you know that his behaviour was totally unacceptable.
As it is not your first experience (and hopefully previous sitters have left positive feedback) I would definitely leave him a truthful review. Unfortunately one star is the minimum.
I would keep it factual and bullet point each violation and try and keep the emotion out of it.
Occasionally if the sitter receives a bad review and the sitter retaliates with negative feedback THS get involved and an agreement is reached to not publish any review or feedback at all.
I think that is totally wrong and should not be allowed.
If it was your first experience of THS and the sitter was also a first timer the one star review and possible negative feedback could put an end to future sits but you are in a good position to leave your review.
I am only using one star as an example and don’t want to influence you.
You may decide pet care was satisfactory and you are able to ‘award’ stars to the different categories.