"Puppies are Forever … not just for Christmas …" 🎵

So I was in Taco Bell today, because the Enchirito is back for only one more day …

… anyway, I heard this song for the first time. So appropriate:

(YouTube) Sia - Puppies Are Forever

Edit: More info related to this song is below.

  1. song lyrics
  2. (short YT vid) Sia x ASPCA - Puppies Are Forever PSA
  3. (press release) ASPCA and Pop Superstar Sia Team Up to Remind Everyone that “Puppies are Forever”
  4. (ASPCA website) about puppy mills
  5. (map image) Commercial Dog Breeding Operations by U.S. state

@geoff.hom such a cute youtube video and song! Thanks for the morning funs!


@geoff.hom Thank you for sharing such an important message. I volunteer at The Animal Pad dog rescue in San Diego and unfortunately we have seen several cases where people have purchased a puppy during the holidays, but then dumped the puppy at a shelter shortly after. It is heartbreaking.

It is great to see celebrities like Sia use their fame and talents to spread a pawsitive message. Education is key, everyone can make a difference by simply sharing that music video and spreading the important message behind it.


Here in France the number of animals discarded come the summer holidays is a national disgrace. So much so that anyone wanting to buy a pet now has to show proof of being able to look after it. My home country, the U.K. equally has a terrible reputation for discarding pets at xmas and summer holidays. The dogs home, Battersea (if it is still there!) annually had to destroy thousands of pets, absolutely heartbreaking!

@Julie_A my heart breaks every time I see someone looking to “re-home” their pet. They say they are moving, now have kids, going back to office, and virtually any excuse they can come up with. I cannot even imagine the heartbreak these animals experience when discarded this way. I feel bad for the young ones, but I am disgusted when I see people drop off elderly animals (over even 7 years old) as they have been part of a family that just doesn’t want them any longer.

Thank you for being part of a great service to all these discarded and abandoned creatures on Earth.