Références & Reviews

We are going to cancel our membership after 10 years, I have been disappointed with a lot of what is happening on trusted over the last couple of years and the 5 application rule is the last straw. There are a lot of good sites out there still adhering to the basic house-sitting tenet of trust so we will take our chances with them. My question is how I transfer/keep our references, does anyone know please? I have just looked at them on trusted for the first time in a long time and have also noticed that a lot of our 5* reviews don’t show that on the front page and the list of references doesn’t tally with it? Any ideas gratefully received.
Many thanks

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In the web interface, there is the page “Past sits”:
www trustedhousesitters com/user/past-sits/

That gives the best overview, I think.

I copy all my reviews from THS and two other sites I am on and put them into a PDF. When applying for sits on whichever platform, I just attach that, works perfectly. On my other sites, it can actually be included as an attachment on my profile page for prospective HO’s to read. I’m not great with this sort of thing but it has worked for me for over five years now and no homeowner has ever disputed or questioned my reviews from it.

Good luck with whatever sites you are going for, I totally get your reasoning :person_raising_hand:

We have a very basic blog, I try to post updates once a month, although I’m usually running a couple of months late!

I have a page on the blog where I cut and paste all our reviews from whatever source or platform they come from.

It makes a good memory bank for us and is useful as we always add a link to it when applying for sits.

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Hey there,

I have clicked on that link before and this comes up.

Does that makes sense?

I’ve not seen anything like it before, so I just passed though I would like to read your blog…

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Hi, yes, you have to click on 'save my preferences ’ its a data protection requirement just saying its the highest level of protection enabled.

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Hey Colin! When you add your link to an application is it a hot link or just text. We have a link in our profile to our blog but you cant click on it, it’s just text. I was surprised when we were talking to a host the other night that she said she had been to our blog. Id like to direct more people to our blog. We have pics of almost every pet we have house sat for the last 12 years.

@Makelikeanapeman I just use text but I am almost sure that a hotlink is automatically created

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I have the old inbox system.
I added a zoom link to an email and it became a hyper link.

This is new as far as I know and good!

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