Reviews from other house-sitting sites

I am currently in Australia, my home, but I do travel and sit internationally and am now planning my next trip. I have multiple reviews on two other Australian house-sitting sites, many more than on TH. Question…

For those who are similar, how do you relate on TH to a prospective HO that these reviews exist. I currently advise in my application that I have a pdf of all reviews from these other two sites which can be made available and sent to them if required. Does anyone else do this?

In the past I have had no problem getting international sits but since “the change” I think it will need a little more than I currently have on TH to basically win a sit OS . Maybe I say because I feel the reviews I already have are all five star and great.

Does anyone else do the same as I am doing? Advise I can send a pdf of sit reviews from other HS sites?


Can you provide a url to your profile listing with reviews on other sites? Otherwise your current plan seems reasonable

@MaggieUU I am a little technically challenged at times but interested in what you have suggested. How would I do this or do you think what I am doing already is sufficient? Also, is this possible to do on the THS site, dding a URL, as I know that even mentioning the name of another house-sitting site is not allowed and can’t be done, I’ve tried :wink:

If you have a LinkedIn link on your profile, you could add them there. And I suppose that one could make a petsitter profile on LinkedIn, out of reach for THS.

@pietkuip I was on LinkedIn but not now. But I will look into that, thanks :+1:

@ziggy I will private message you

@ziggy while travelling/housesitting in Australia most of my sits have been through Aussiehousesitters as there weren’t many on THS in the areas I wanted, also 2 via Facebook - although I won’t be resorting to FB if I can help it. I’ve explained that most of my sits have been through THS and provided a link. However, it’s not so easy sending a link from aussie….Personally I think when you’ve done a fair few on any of the sites with good reviews most home owners are satisfied.


@Smiley yes in reverse as you say. I can’t add my Oz sits to the TH site whereas with Aussie Housesitters and Mindahome, I can add all site reviews as attachment.


When I apply for a THS sit, I add a link to my profile on Aussie/Kiwi Housesitters in my application letter.

@Knowmad so you can do that then? So do you just add your id details from Aussie Housesitters etc which adds a link to your application? I’ve tried everything but this sounds like a go. Would make life much easier.

You could screenshot the reviews and make that one (or more) of your profile photos.


@ziggy sign in to Aussie Housesitters, go to “my page”, go to the very top above the Aussie Housesitters logo, click on the 3 dots on the right, you should get the option to “copy link”. Copy and paste the link into your application letter. I have an application letter template that I use for all applications and the link lives in that template. Good luck!

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@Lassie thanks for that, I really want all my other reviews in one place to highlight my experiences but a great idea none the less :raised_hands:

@Knowmad that’s what I need! You just made things much easier for me. I didn’t know you could do that so I’ll give it a go and follow your instructions and hopefully it works. Obviously you do it and it works. Thanks so much :pray:


When we apply for a sit I include various url links in a personalised message which lead to different websites which show our experience/reviews from a property perspective, rather than a pet-sit perspective.

The way I see it is I am only using the other websites as an additional reference for HO’s, so they can feel more secure about us as sitters (and are therefore more likely to give us the sit). I love THS, I’m not advertising other sites, THS is the best of its type in my personal opinion.

Why not build up just a few local reviews on THS first before applying for overseas sits if you feel it is having an affect on your chances. That’s what we did to begin with, we just got a few reviews under our belt and then applied overseas and got the specific one we wanted.

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This doesn’t help you @ziggy but when I did sits through Aussie Housesitters I always asked them to do a THS one by me sending them a link so it would be one of my references. I never had any of them decline to do this.

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I’ve looked into that but don’t have the option to copy the link.

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We’re on four house-sitting sites and we collate all of our reviews on Instagram. When we were just starting out on AHS & KHS (down under!) we included a link to our THS profile & a link to our Instagram. That seemed to cover all the bases.

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When we applied, I would mention that we have done lots of housesits through other sites, see reviews below, and then I would paste about 6-7 of our Aussie reviews at the bottom of each application. That did the trick.

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@HappyDeb I have actually been with TH since 2019 and have quite a few Australian and international reviews already on TH. I just want more to be available to HO’s as there is a long gap between sits on TH as generally I only use that site when OS. I get soooo many sits in Oz from the other two because I live here but still prefer that a prospective homeowner can see ALL my reviews as there are many. Thanks for your input :raised_hands: