Sit date overlap issue

I have a committed sit and just saw a new one that starts before my committed sit ends BUT the homeowner said she could split the dates.
The issue is the THS system won’t allow me to communicate with her to figure out what is possible.
What can I do at this point?



I find this too, very frustrating. I wish we could go back to the good old days of more trust and fewer restrictions.


@BevP the only option available to you is to save the listing as a favourite and hope the owner sees that and sends you a message .


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Five Applications Pausing Discussion Post

Thank you!

if you sit with a partner, you could have the partner sign up for a basic account to apply and request info about the split dates.

If you know anoither THS sitter, you can ask them to apply for the second sit, explaining that this is really an application on your behalf.


Find someone else indeed to get in touch on your behalf… it’s silly but the only way.

I’ve never had it happen yet that an HO has dates out that one can applt for and decides to contact those who have favourited them instead/in addition.

I recently saw a sit that clearly states that the dates were flexible, BUT the listed dates started 1 day BEFORE the end of my current sit. No way to apply… and it doesn’t make any sense

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Basic account? Any account that enables contacting the HO requires payment. There’s no free option

Can HO see that we have favorited their sit?

@Bluehorse I meant the least expensive membership.

nice idea but no partner.

Thank you for your suggestion. Next time I’ll know what to do.

I think Owners with the Premium membership can see that you have favorited their Sit.

Bpth Premium and Standard memberships allow Ho to see who favorited their sit @inthemoment

Thank you for clarifying. There are 3 levels:

Basic - no notification when listing is favorited
Standard - yes notified
Premium - yes notified


I wonder what percent of Sitters and Owners are in each category. When I joined in 2021, I think there were only 2 tiers, and I am now in the Basic tier.

Many Owners might be in the same situation and need to upgrade to Standard in order to see the members who favorite their listing.