Sit solo or with family?


I’m just looking into all of this and imagining it would be an amazing way for my family to travel. Is it allowed to bring spouses or a child along on your sit? Would be happy to have my spouse also sign up as a vetted member of the community.

Hi and welcome!

You can invite your husband to join you of course! A second party cannot be vetted at this time.

Children are only welcome at certain sits. You can look for family friendly Sits.

You can use the search feature to find many posts, just search for the word children, and you’re all set.


We sit as a couple, and we LOVE it!!! You don’t sign up separately, one of you gets vetted, but you add your spouse to your profile too and obviously include details of children in the text part.

A lot of sits with rabbits, may already have kids themselves so you can filter by that, along with searching for family friendly sits too.

If you look at sitters profiles that have a greater number of reviews. You can take a look at ones that either have kids in the profile pic, or younger people where they may have had kids once you click through. It’ll give you an idea of how to word things.


My husband and I each have a membership. I am the more active sitter and will often receive invitations to sit. If I am not available and he is, and if he is interested, I offer his services, which so far, have always been accepted. He has five star reviews as well. If there is a sit that we would like to do together or the sit requests a couple, we will apply and provide them with our profiles for their review.

You definitely can.

As an HS, I sit either solo or with my partner.

As HO’s…lots of people are totally fine with accepting entire families…we, however, don’t accept HS’s with children…I’m just not comfortable with that responsibility of someone else’s kids in my home and then something happens. It makes total sense but a person’s children will always come first, kids are also less predictable and can’t be independent the way adults can…it adds extra variables that I’m just not comfortable with. I want our HS’s first priority and focus to be our dog and I find that an unfair ask of people with kids.

I could see how sitting as a couple with children may be different, but as an HO, I’d probably ask the question up front that if something happened and a kid got sick, would one person still be staying. If not, again I’d go with a single person or couple without kids. But again, that’s just me and I’m categorically not everyone!

We’ve done 14 sits as a family of 5 and 1 sit where it was just myself and daughter. This has been a great experience for our family. We traveled prior to petsitting but everytime we saw people walking their dogs, my 14 year old twins got very sad because they missed our 2 dogs who went to doggie heaven. That’s why I signed up for this service. It allowed us to continue to travel while filling our hearts with love, fun, and companionship of animals.


Hi @IHeartAnimals it’s so lovely to hear you are enjoying your house sitting journey as a family and thank you for sharing such wonderful photos :camera::blush:

@Samox24 thank you and yes we have absolutely enjoyed petsitting. We are traveling via Airbnb at the moment in Asia but we have a catsit lined up 2 days after landing back in the US next Feb.