Sits we think you will like

How about this ? :woman_shrugging:t2:


I can’t seem to find this anywhere on the home page. Would like to take a look out of curiosity!

Visit this page House Sitting | and then scroll down towards the bottom of the page until you see: Sits we think you’ll like

If you see House sit somewhere special you’ve gone too far down.

Thanks - logged out of my account to view and still don’t see this. No big deal - as others have said, I probably wouldn’t be interested in the sits anyway :slight_smile:

I don’t know if that sitter was there. Was not this during covid?

So another property now appears in the list of sits I would like -
The owners state that they need to see “a valid certificate of your Assurance Responsabilité Civile, known by some outside France as 3rd party liability insurance which covers your potential damage to our property, before we accept a sitter”


Hello everyone,

I heard back from the team and just wanted to share a bit more with you all.

The listings that members are seeing are based on an algorithm of what that member has been searching for, so not all members are seeing the same listings.

THS is not recommending these listings as in promoting them, they are serving up suggestions based on your search history. If you feel that the listing is not something you would consider then it’s completely understandable that you disregard them.

It was unfortunate that this listing you mentioned had a 1-star review. The review system is designed to help you filter out what is right for you. The algorithm does not leave out listings with lower reviews as the open and honest feedback of the review might still work for some people and not for others. However, thank you for the feedback, the team are aware of this and wanted to reassure you that this is in the testing phase.

I need to check a few more details around this but I believe that Membership Service does have a system in place to monitor lower reviews even if they are not reported. If I find out more then I will let you know.

Thank you for all of your feedback about this feature, any updated we will let you know :slight_smile:

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@Globetrotter I don’t see it either, but it doesn’t sound as if we are missing out!


Hi @Carla the reply @Silversitters received

For me is why I don’t follow up with MS. I post in the “what features,” if I really feel a need.

The feedback that you and @Jenny can provide is ore palatable then some of the “help” members have received from MS that has been posted in the forum.

@Silversitters Thank you for posting that.

@Carla @Jenny Is this THS’s official statement about “reviews”?

Here is the definition of “opinion:” “a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge” (citation is from Oxford Languages).

For anyone from THS to claim that reviews are only opinion is fundamentally wrong on so many levels. Minimally, this response from MS feels dismissive of our very real experiences out here as sitters and as homeowners.

Reviews are based on first-hand knowledge of a home and its pets. This is commonly known as stating facts. How someone thinks or feels about these could be viewed as opinion – but it’s an opinion based on first-hand experience – yes, based on facts.


Hi @KenandMary1998

I don’t think the Forum team are best placed to answer this, and I’d suggest that if @Silversitters would like to discuss this further, they contact Membership Services and ask to speak to a Manager about the response they received.


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Agreed @Jenny it’s not your job to answer how to fix this but, please do feedback to MS management that everything @KenandMary1998 are saying is :100: valid and making statements like “it’s just an opinion” is both disrespectful and unhelpful from any support staff. #moretrainingneeded


I hear you @Cuttlefish - I fed back yesterday about the response but I can follow up with the comments from @KenandMary1998 today. :slight_smile:


Thank you, @Jenny .

Just wanted to confirm your feedback is with the team @KenandMary1998 - I can’t promise I’ll be able to come back with any updates but I will tag you if I do hear anything.

As I mentioned before, if @Silversitters wants to discuss the response received in more detail, I’m sure a Manager within MS would be happy to do so, and if they choose to do so it’d be good if they could share any response they get here on this thread.

Jenny :slight_smile:


The “Sits we think you’ll like” category remains puzzling…

For days it’s been showing me a sit in the countryside of Portugal, for which a car is needed (and it prominently says so in the title of the sit)

  1. I have not searched for sits in Portugal, neither have I ever done a sit in Portugal
  2. I don’t do sits for which a car is needed
  3. Therefore I seldom do sits in the countryside.

In other words, I have no idea why the algorithm would think I might have any interest in this sit, as it does not align -at all- with the type of sits I normally search for, neither the sits I end up doing…


Yes. Same. It’s ridiculous.

My search was for cats, fish, birds, reptiles small animals (ie. NO DOGS!) in the UK and every 5 listings came the same listing for a dog in the US!

Sorry, thats the last type of listing I ‘might like’ at that point in time.

VERY ANNOYING!!! And not in the least bit helpful (or tempting)


I just found the ‘sits we think you will like’ section. Seems pretty random. They are all in places that I am not looking for sits. For example, I’ve never searched for a sit in Texas so why would THS think I would like sits in Texas. I really wish THS would focus on fixing existing issues rather than spending time on things that do not add value (and often actually remove value).


We sit as a couple , that’s shown on our profile .

One of the sits today in the
Sits we think you will like section has the
title “looking for a sold female sitter “ :woman_shrugging:t2:


I agree, why not focus first on fixing existing issues. Application box, inbox just to name two… months have gone by now and still no fix for those