Sits we think you will like

On the first page of the web page “search for homes to sit “- there is a section
Sits we think you will like

I have no idea why the THS algorithm thinks I would like this sit -
Is it the country ? Is it the pets ?
Is it the star rating from previous sitters perhaps ?

Today a sit THS thinks I would like is one that most recently received a one star review with a warning to future sitters about the owner’s confrontational and disturbing behaviour ???!!!

No - THS I would not like this sit and I don’t think you should be promoting it on the front of the website.

Further proof that THS do not ( routinely) read the reviews sitters write .


Hi @Silversitters

Normally I’d let our members pop on and discuss before chiming in, but in this case I can see where you’re coming from, so I wanted to let you know I’ve passed your comments over to the team to take a look at.

If I get any feedback to share then I’ll pop it here on the thread.

Thanks for highlighting this.



@Silversitters maybe THS feels you need a challenge.


Fellow sitters - I am interested to know if all sitters are getting the same sits promoted in this section - what do you see in that section today ?

I see this one too.

But otherwise I never look at that list.

I recognise a few that I had looked at in the UK, for example the rectory in Market Rasen. I got five UK where I have been looking and five US where I have not been searching at all.

Also the dates are off: next January in Olympia, WA. I never planned that far ahead. And that looks cold!

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:thinking: Interesting … so this one star sit is being promoted to all sitters !?!?

:triangular_flag_on_post: Newbies beware! :triangular_flag_on_post:

No, I’m not seeing that sit promoted; the first four (two in England and two in Australia) look great and well-reviewed by sitters but, of course, I’m busy on another sit!!!

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Thanks for the information @temba … so the algorithm doesn’t take into account dates that you already have a THS sit :thinking:….

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maybe @botvot … one of the other sits that is being promoted to me as a “Sit I would like” wants only sitters with experience in off-grid living ( which I don’t have ) THS definitely wants to take me out of my comfort zone :joy:


It certainly doesn’t @Silversitters!

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Personally, I hate ALL algorithms that tell me What I Will Like. I even hate that my searches are saved, even though I haven’t set anything to make it do that. Just let me have a look from fresh each time and make my own mind up, thanks Bots!

But then, I’m old.


I’m young-ish and work in tech, and knowing what’s under the hood of some of these things makes me hate them all the more.


Instead I like to make a cup of lemon tea…look through areas I’m interested in…favorite homes for notifications and have saved searches in the app from which I receive alerts on my phone.

I don’t get the other alerts except for the trusted times by email.

But I do appreciate the efforts of all who are more involved with THS like @Silversitters et al and keep us updated on the shenanigans :wink:


I have received a reply from member services in response to my query about why this particular sit was being promoted

The answer is
“ We do not consider reviews when suggesting sits, as reviews are matter of opinions.”


Oh my, reviews are what we work so hard for


I don’t see that at all :grinning:
I only ever check what I’m looking for.

And just a side comment, I don’t work for reviews, I don’t work at all actually :joy:.
I just enjoy my sits, always leave feedback but I have stopped prompting for reviews because if they don’t, well they miss out on the fabulous feedback. Next :smiling_face:


that’s just…wow.


I also see the same sit promoted on the THS’s home page. I wouldn’t apply for a sit where more then one sitter didn’t leave a review. Somebody sat for a year and didn’t leave a review, which is a huge red flag. I wouldn’t even touch the latest sit and reviews, it’s been already heavily discussed on other forums.
Maybe this is a test and THS will start selling this coveted spot to HOs who would like to promote their listing? The number of available sits keeps growing, over 7700+ now, so from a business perspective it will make sense if THS monetizes on that.


@Silversitters where is the new forum emoji for that response. :flushed::astonished::scream::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


We almost accepted & then dodged a fabulous looking 6 month off grid sit that the “chosen” sitter then didn’t leave a review for (or the HOs for the sitter) & the sitter had lots of great reviews already. The second sitter knocked off a star for hospitality & pet behaviour and the review was guarded. Whether THS do or don’t consider reviews as “opinions”, putting a 1 star :star2: sit on the home page is poor PR for promoting their matchmaking service skills. #shortsightedspringstomind