On homeowner listings there used to be a “pet” section on the app and the web page, but THS changed things. It’s gone. Some old information (possibly outdated and uneditable) might still be up on the app but is gone from the web. There is an option to caption photos, but the captions don’t actually appear. Homeowners are now prompted to write more about the pets in “responsibilities.” I could see how the listing could run superlong with multiple pets, but there should be some separate prompt pushing the homeowner to check off keywords or something to give an idea of pet behavior/personality.
It’s not so much about the specific info; but, as someone else said, I want them to show a level of enthusiasm. It took a few hours (yes, hours) to write up my listing and welcome guide. Short bios that don’t tell me anything about you as a person, that probably took you 10 minutes to write….no, thanks.