But in Sweden one is supposed to remember to thank the dinner host next time you see them (which could be totally unplanned somewhere on the street in town weeks later) and to start the conversation with “Tack för senast” (Thank you for last time).
I am very pleased when I can manage to do that sometimes!
A basic review would have said “Sitter performed duties as requested”. This is not a basic review, at all. I also would not assume this person is bad with words, or that the review is not heartfelt.
I agree with Silversitters - listing out all the details of how you went above and beyond sets you up for expectation from the next HO. They did you a solid.
Our most recent review simply said, “Outstanding. House and pets were in great condition.” Something like that. 5 stars. I felt similar to you, but at least they said, “Outstanding.”
If I received a gift, as others have said, I never mention that in a review, as others might feel slighted in the future. We always leave something, but it varies a lot, based on the Owner’s lifestyle, which we glean from living in their home.
Also known as The Irish Goodbye. With 70% Irish DNA, I have been guilty of that–deciding at a large gathering that it’s time to leave and not bothering with goodbyes. Note: I have always tried to find the host/hostess and thank them.
Excellent review. And I very seldom have had an HO who really writes a more lengthy review that sets out and acknowledges all the things I’ve done. E.g. based on my reviews you won’t know that… I took the cat to the vet 3 times (as I once did), or… Many HOs don’t specify these things and keep it rather short. So just keep up the 5 stars & expect the actual reviews to be concise.
I sometimes make a meal for the HOs depending on what time they get home and how far they’ve travelled. I wouldn’t want them to put that in their review as others might expect it!
@Rlean808 , it’s a nice review and it will help you get more sits. I understand that it’s not as effusive as you hoped for. Like you, I go over and above and I’m pleased when an owner mentions everything I did in their review. It makes me feel appreciated and shows prospective owners what they can expect from me.
If you want these types of reviews, before choosing where to apply take a look at the previous reviews that owner has written. If they write one or two lines, you will probably get the same. And avoid any owner who has a history of not leaving reviews
I have no idea why your problem is with it.
Exceptional !!!.. Went above and beyond !!!
It may be short, but it’s non-fluffy and precisely to the point. It’s great.
My very first review was like that. Out of the 15 we completed, it was the most taxing watching an elderly dog, a puppy, and medium aged. I did get all 5 stars but the writeup was really short. But then I got other ones where they went on and on and they made up for it. Enjoy though. It’s still a 5 star review and I think it’s all that matters
I would be more than happy with that review.
Some of ours are short and to the point which is fine. I agree that too much detail such as sitters cooking a meal, taking us to the airport, leaving gifts etc can lead to unrealistic expectations from future hosts. We do things like that on a sit by sit basis and I wouldn’t want all hosts to expect the same.
I do like it when hosts mention our names in the review - and spell them correctly.
@mars yes I realized this after the fact and it’s definitely something I will look into before applying for sits.
All of my past sitters have wrote anecdotal reviews on their experiences and I have returned in kind. Short reviews like this just feel more transactional than I would prefer and I guess I just wanted a little more care and context. Hopefully that makes sense.
It’s just a little too transactional for me…a little more context would have been nice and made me feel more seen.
In my reviews, I talk about the people. Yes it’s important that they fulfill their responsibilities but that’s not all that matters (at least to me). I think how people show up says something and if I read a review that shows me who they are as people, then I’m confident that everything else will fall into place.
It’s come up maybe three times about them writing our review and how happy they are so we seize the moment and say, “please write lots of detail as that tells someone so much about us.” And it’s worked! #bebrave