Sitter left bad review out of spite

The last sitters arrived late the day before we left, then we asked them to stay one day longer because of the mistake in our booking, but we forgot to tell them when we were supposed to arrive home and they did not ask.

When we returned around midday, it looked like they just got up. The guy just used our shower and was going around half-naked and the woman just started taking a shower in their guest bathroom. They were completely unfazed and behaved like they owned the place. They asked to stay longer to cook their food and stayed for another five hours! The kitchen was a mess and they took their time to collect all their stuff before leaving.

Now they gave us a review with one star when they took advantage of the situation and behaved shamefully and without respect. I am very annoyed and I saw that THS won’t remove reviews, which I find unfair because the sitter has the last word… is there anything we can do?

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Yes, there is something you can do. Let sitters know when to expect you, and this kind of thing will be less likely to happen.


You can respond to their reviw, factually and unemotionally.


You didn’t tell them when you’d return and then expected them to have the house ready and just get out as soon as you returned unexpectedly?


The way you write about the sitters here sounds pretty spiteful too.


You should be very happy that they were prepared to do that for you(r pets).


Not sure I can see the “shameful behaviour” or the “disrespect” in your description. You changed the sit dates, you came home without warning, they did normal things like shower & cook before their onward journey. You wanted them gone immediately despite having been living in that home & caring for your pets for free in your absence. That doesn’t sound very hospitable or respectful of their help. #mutualexchange


How do I respond? I posted my review and then they posted theirs, I thought there’s nothing to be done anymore…

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No, I told them when we would be back, I told them the day and they did not ask at what time, neither I gave them the right time, because we were driving and unsure about it. Still, getting up at midday on the day you’re supposed to leave and taking a shower where you’re not supposed to, sounds quite spiteful to me, or do sitters need to be told specifically what they can use and what they cannot? as in “Please do not use my shower, since you have a complete bathroom at your disposal?”

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Will definitely do next time, believe me the ETA will be the first thing I will communicate. Thanks so very much for your two cents! You made my day! :smiley:

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Thanks, I am so very grateful to have spent five hours as a guest in my house, while they showered and cooked their food. Everything considered, it would have been better if they’d left the previous day… but hey, hard lesson learnt :+1: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

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Walking around half naked and using a shower you’re not supposed to use sound respectful? I warned them, they knew we were coming, just not at what time and I did not want them away immediately, but in decent time, without waiting five hours.
And anyway, you were not here and cannot judge how respectful or spiteful they behaved.

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Again, you were not here to appraise their behaviour but you can judge mine. Thanks for you other two cents! :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

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And leave your pets unattended for maybe up to a day and a half? The pets might then have been suffering more than you did.

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Please may I ask why they gave you a one star review? Did verbal conflict happen between you and the sitters?


Bad communication resulted in bad review.


This thread had conflict written all over it as soon as it appeared.
I’ll stop posting here and do more positive things with my time.

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No, there was nothing verbal and that is why I consider the one-star review spiteful. We behaved politely and for me it was an average experience, until they turned it into a one-star.

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Yes, we did not communicate but they also did not respond appropriately.

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