These are great points. If I don’t hear from an owner within 24 hours, I assume I’m not going to get it and apply to other sits. I know as a home owner, I immediately send a note to the applicants who are good fits.
One more I would like to add that just happened to me. Please do not post for a pet sitter if you have friends/family who are considering the job. Also, clearly state up front if you are talking to multiple pet sitters if requesting a virtual meet. Be transparent!
We just juggled our schedules for a virtual meet that took place at 11:00 pm my time and finished well after midnight. It was the home owners first sit and they were a bit over the top with their interview process. At the end, they told us they were talking to a couple more people. Two days later, we were told friends were going to stay at their home.
I was pretty irritated that our time was not considered valuable between researching flights, rental cars and an hour plus interview. We even turned down another sit while waiting to hear back from these owners. Had I known the true scenario, I would not have agreed to a virtual meet.
I am accustomed to virtual meets once people have decided you are the best candidate but both parties want a face to face. I have chosen all of my pet sitters without needing a virtual meet. I extend the offer to them so they feel comfortable. I have been chosen many times by homeowners without a virtual meet. There are some home owners I do not feel a need for a virtual meet either. My current sit in London is one of my best sits and we only communicated via the THS site. I knew it would be an outstanding sit and I am sure they had a ton of applicants. I understand pet sitters far more than home owners wanting a virtual meet. Pet sitters are agreeing to stay in someone’s home so should have the opportunity to see it.
I have now learned to ask if the home owners is talking to multiple people. I will decline these “interviews” going forward. I can’t make up my reviews on my home owner and pet sitting profiles. I value our pet sitters time so much and I expect the same consideration as a pet sitter.