The survey thread has already been shut down, so I can’t add my reply there. Hence I had to start a new topic.
Please send the survey to ALL sitters who have done one or more sits in the past 6 months!!
I do not receive THS alerts in my mailbox, because they’re unfortunately quite useless as they arrive much too late. I don’t receive the newsletter either, because its content doesn’t interest me.
That doesn’t mean as a member for 8 years that I want to be excluded from receiving the survey! If you can’t send it to me via email, then at least make a link available here on the website where I can fill it in.
I very much want to fill in the survey, the first time in 8 years that I have a chance to do so.
Hello @Bluehorse
I will look into this for you, and will now move your post to the survey thread.
Thank you for you understanding.
Kind regards
As some may have seen from another thread, there’s actually currently a survey being sent to sitters & HO who have been active in the past 6 months.
I just found out though that I won’t be receiving the survey as I’m not signed up to THS emails. The survey thread was already shut down hence this is a new post that I just submitted for this topic. Cross-posting it here
May be useful for other sitters & HOs as well to know that if they have unsubscribed from email alerts & newsletters, that they currently won’t be receiving the survey. At the moment there appears to be no link on the website that would allow us to fill in the survey regardless our email notification preferences.
"Hello THS,
The survey thread has already been shut down, so I can’t add my reply there. Hence I had to start a new topic.
Please send the survey to ALL sitters who have done one or more sits in the past 6 months!!
I do not receive THS alerts in my mailbox, because they’re unfortunately quite useless as they arrive much too late. I don’t receive the newsletter either, because its content doesn’t interest me.
That doesn’t mean as a member for 8 years that I want to be excluded from receiving the survey. If you can’t send it to me via email, then at least make a link available here on the website where I can fill it in.
I very much want to fill in the survey, the first time in 8 years that I have a chance to do so."
I’m still waiting for my survey, despite being in the target audience (posted and applied for sits within the past 6 months). I am subscribed to THS emails.
I’m curious why the survey is only sent to someone who has been successful at applying for a sit. It seems from all the posts that have been hidden in the giant closed thread that there are plenty of paid members who have not been able to submit an application and perhaps their experiences are relevant here?
@Lassie@Pips@HelloOutThere We are following up on members who qualify under the 6 months activity criteria but who haven’t received the survey … thank you
I also have completed recent sits but have not received the survey as well. I got a one question “survey” several weeks back but not the survey monkey one.
According to Ben’s post, it will go to sitters who have applied for a sit and homeowners who posted a sit within the last six months. It does not specify that they must have secured the sit they applied to or secured a suitable sitter for their posting. It will be very interesting to see where this leads. I did get the survey, but many of the questions were to be answered “yes or no” only and my responses did not really fit neatly into those answers. I do appreciate that they are at least surveying some of the members. I am hopeful that they will make some positive changes.
I am thinking that it is the combined membership members who are not receiving the survey @Lassie even though we fit the criteria. @Therese could you clarify the situation please where @Ben-ProductManager has not responded to our questions when he’s been online? With thanks.
@temba Thank you for your question, Therese and Ben are currently offline, so I will pass this back to Ben to look into further when he is back online tomorrow.
I posted the same question as soon as the survey announcement went out, then deleted it, as it seems an “oversubscribed sit” must mean a sit that has more than five applicants. I can’t think of any other definition, can you?
I am grateful to have received the survey. I do not do surveys usually, because they come so fast and furiously these days from every direction, every latte, and scone, and truffle shop, but I felt this was crucial, because I am new, and have spent no less than 24 hours total reading the Forum to learn, and orient myself, going through Sitter Opportunities, and applying to 18 Sits in The UK, Scotland mostly, so far, and sharing what I can.
The survey is worth my time, to evolve this site and user-friendliness, and to allow for positive change. I am sad to see some mild hostility in some comments, as though this Trusted Housesitters Forum and Website Platform are not a triumphant endeavor we are all blessed to participate in.
To each their own. But, it is sad to me when someone won’t share their experience to help us all, but still mentions it.
I am here.