Traveling with a Friend

In my early days as a TH member, I got a sit in my bucket list location in Scandinavia for 3 weeks. My German friend asked if she could come for a week. The owner was also German so think that may have helped to get the green light.
My sister has joined me in few sits and the owners were always welcoming. But of course, there is more trust being a family member.
If you have excellent reviews and if the owners housing is suitable, think you would have more yeses than nos.

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My profile states that I love traveling alone but that sometimes I travel with a pet loving responsible friend. I let the HO know that I’m willing to do the sit either way—that it has to be mutually agreed upon. I think if you are up front with others, they will be up front with you. I have mostly traveled by myself, but I was able to go to Brighton, with two friends. Eventually we all became friends. In fact the couple I sat for, has been near here for a month, in Santa Barbara. Yesterday they came over for a lovely outside lunch and visit. One of the ladies I had traveled with, came over too. We all relished the friendships we have made.

If someone says they are specifically looking for one person, I don’t even bring up the idea of a traveling friend. Often it’s because their place is small.

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As a homeowner, a petsitter traveling with a friend wouldn’t bother me at all. Pay attention to the listing, though. I only have one queen bed in my house, so unless somebody wants to sleep on one of those inflatable twins (I have one, but there’s no real convenient place to set it up), the two people should plan on sharing that bed. I always specify the one-bed thing in my listings, but you would be amazed the number of applicants who want to bring kids or other folks who aren’t going to sleep in the same bed. Those, I reject out of hand.

KC1102 is also correct that you will never really know why a homeowner picked another sitter over you (or picked you over other applicants). We’re all looking for different things, and sometimes it can just come down to a coin flip when there are a bunch of good applicants.


My last sitter was a THS member and her best friend. I was fine with it. When she applied and asked if her friend could be part of the sit, I said it would probably be OK, but I would decide for sure after video chatting with both of them. They were very prompt and reliable about setting up the chat, and when I spoke to them I liked both of them, so I was perfectly comfortable with having them both.

I would NOT like it if an agreed-upon sitter tried to include a friend after agreeing to the sit (i.e.: a bait and switch). But as long as it’s on the up and up and I have met both people, and like them, it’s OK. Sounds like you are asking up front, which I don’t think should be a dealbreaker with most people.


Thanks for your input, Loplop.

I like the way you’ve approached the topic on your profile. Thanks!

Very good point about the number of beds available! Thank you.

I would always be upfront. I offered a video chat myself, but next time I’ll offer that with my friend as well. Great suggestion, thanks.

Hi Edith -
I’m a HO, and hope to be a sitter in future, and have a dual opinion on this topic. For the 2 sitters I’ve had so far (for 3 sits, one was a repeat!), I’ve chosen single sitters, but only become my condo in Boston is small and I worry that two sitters would feel crowded in it. That is the only reason, and yet, I’m also about to post about whether there is a way to find “sitter exchanges” where someone sits for my Bootsie while I sit for their pet…and like you…I’d want to travel with a friend, and would be fine if two people were coming in exchange as long as they are ok with “small”.
Anyway…I guess short version is that it depends on the circumstances of the sit. And, quite frankly, I state right in my profile that my place is small so if in future a sitter applies to come with a friend, and acknowledges very directly by saying something like “please be aware I saw that you said your place is small and we are fine with that”, they’d end up being the first people I tried a dual sitter scenario with.
In future as I apply for sits where I want to bring a friend, I’m going to directly address that in my application in some way, and hope it works.
Nancy from Boston

Hi Nan4canada. Thanks for your response. I was upfront immediately with information that I might be traveling with another animal loving friend. These are very uncertain times and I imagine everyone is extra careful about everything.
I think I saw your sit posted in Boston and did mention it to another friend of mine (also a trustedhousesitter HO. She got a lovely (small!) place on the water on Long Beach Long Island. Who knows? Maybe someday we could do that swap!

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