Hey everybody… pleased this forum is here… - a little niggle not a rant but its my side of the fence I am talking about here…
As an owner and someone who looks for fairly lengthy coverage for our house and the dogs we are often sent applications that harp on about the dogs and the fur babies and all the cringe worthy descriptions for pets! Our dogs are about as far from Fur babies as you can get… that’s a little tongue in cheek but for those applying for sits maybe don’t go overboard on the mushy bit!
Anyway one of the main reasons I was writing this is to remind people that although houses quite often come with pets (or fur babies!!) the giveaway as to what a house owner wants is actually a - Trusted House Sitter! Who will look after your house and your belongings and treat it with respect and care. If there are also pets then make sure they are fed, watered, exercised and given some love and TLC. BUT first and foremost the sitter is being given the keys to houses and belongings that could be / are worth several hundred thousand Dollars/Euros/pounds or even a lot more and as an owner the house is the result of a life’s work! Sorry to say that dogs and cats and fish come and go but the house is a constant, until you buy a new one!!
Anyway when you apply for a sit my advice would be to read the information and try to apply for sits that most suit you and your experience and ensure you don’t just apply for a sit because you like the look of the house or the dog but look to apply for a sit where the experience will be positive from both sides. If the sit says couples only, only apply if you are a couple. If it says no car and it’s a rural location and you don’t have a car then don’t apply… it’s horrible for owners to keep saying no and having to write dozens of nice replies to people who should have read the description a little better…
Good luck with your sits as owners or sitters but sitters please place the house at the top of your importance list. Well that’s my opinions anyway…